Chapter: 28

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I pulled up to the address that was given to me and quickly got out of the car.

I walked into the house and it was destroyed. People were passed out on the floor- others were naked and passed out.

It was just too much. I searched the living room place for him but I couldn't find him.

I walked to the kitchen but he wasn't there either. I was starting to worry.

What if he really does hate me?

What if he's with someone else?

No. He loves me.

Yeah, how many times have you heard that one before? 

I ran back out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

I started to throw the doors open to the rooms and occasionally apologizing to the people I interrupted.

I opened the door to this one room and there was people starting to get kinky.

They had the chains, whips and handcuffs. It was kind of freaky. Then they asked if I wanted to join.

I just about fled from that room so fast. When I opened the next door to the other many freaking rooms it pissed me off.

I slammed the door shut and crossed my arms. The girl looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

I raised mine too.

"What?" She snapped. I smirked and looked around.

"Bitch, I know you aren't talking to me." I asked amused and she sat up.

"Yeah, I am talking to you, bitch." She tried to sound threatening and I smirked wider.

"Get the fuck off of him." I growled out lowly.

"Or what?" She taunted and I tilted my head.

"I'll drag you out by your extensions." I leaned against the wall as her face turned horrid.

"Now, get the fuck off of him." I growled again and she nodded and just about ran out of the room. 

I watched her amused and turned to him with a glare.

"What the fuck, Aaliyah?" He asked and I looked at him like he was stupid.

"Don't fucking what the fuck me, Elijah." I snapped and he sat up.

"What're you even doing here?" He ran his fingers through his hair annoyed.

"Oh, you know, I was just making sure you wouldn't do some stupid shit like I don't know drive home drunk." I threw my hands in the air. "But it clearly looks like you have everything under control, right?" I added getting my voice a little higher.

He gave me a look telling me he didn't believe me. "Really, what are you doing here?" He asked lowly and I let out a dry laugh.

"I'm here because I care about you, damnit! I'm here because I was already up worrying about you. What you thought, how you feel, what you think about me." I felt a tear run down my face and I wiped it away. "But you made it very clear how you actually feel right now." I got out as my voice kept cracking.

As soon as I finished talking the tears didn't stop flowing.

"Did you ever think I was broken so I started drinking? You choosing a school over me really fucking hurt. You rejected everything I proposed to you!" He was now standing in front of the bed and I nodded.

"And you made it clear you picked a slut over me." I shrugged and threw my hands up like it was nothing.

"We're not even dating why are you being like this?" He yelled running his hand through his hair annoyed.

"I'm like this because I'm afraid someone's going to make you happier than me!" I yelled back. "I hate to think about you loving any other girl the way I love you." I added whispering as more tears fell from my eyes.

His face was still neutral and wasn't showing any emotion. "It doesn't matter anymore. You should go home and start packing." He threw his shirt on and started to walk to the door.

I started laughing and he turned around and gave me an are-you-fucking-crazy look.

"I cannot believe I almost stayed here for you! Christ you probably would have done this shit to me if you got the chance. I shouldn't have ever gotten involved with you. I should've kept my walls up especially from someone like you." I spat and his face turned into one of anger.

"Someone like me? And who might that be?" He growled out.

"Gee, I don't know, maybe an ex boyfriend of mine that goes by Jay." I shrugged nonchalantly.

He pushed me against the wall and caged me in angrily.

"I am nothing like Jay." He growled lowly.

"Well you're showing me otherwise. You know, we may not have been dating but what we had was real and seeing you with sluts really fucking hurts." I shook my head and he pushed away shaking his head.

"We didn't have anything." I could tell he was lying but it still hurt.

"I'm sure. Have an awesome life, Elijah." I walked passed him and he grabbed my arm.

I didn't even turn around because I know this is going to hurt, I could tell by his grip, it wasn't one that said 'stay with me' but instead one that said 'good-mothefucking-bye'.

"Right back at you, Aaliyah." The way he said my name was almost one in disgust.

The salty liquid returned and rolled down my cheek. I ripped my arm from his grasp and walked out the door.

I walked to the kitchen and took three shots of whiskey and walked back out to my car.

I slammed my door shut and hit my steering wheel.

I laid my head on the wheel and cried. I shook my head and pulled it up.

"Don't you dare cry over him. He's not worth it. Lets go pack and then we only have one more day.

We'll even take a later flight and leave faster. Yes, good idea, Liyah." I muttered to myself as I started up my car.

I drove home and pulled up to the gates and had a short conversation with Mildan the security guard. 

I pulled into my garage and walked up the stairs to my room. 

I looked at the clock for the time- obviously:


I sighed and grabbed my phone. I pulled up the contact name and put my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" She picked up; she didn't even sound tired.

"Toni?" I questioned weirdly wondering why she's up.

"Yes?" She questioned as weirdly as me.

"Why are you up?" We spoke over one another.

We laughed then stopped.

"Couldn't sleep." We replied at the same time and laughed again.

"Well, I leave Thursday and I was wondering if you wanted to hangout today like later in the day." I laughed and she chuckled.

"Yeah, sure, but shouldn't you be hanging out with E-" I cut her off with a groan.

"Do not say his name." 

"Okay?" She questioned awkwardly.

"Okay, well come over tomorrow around noon, yeah?" I questioned her.

"Yeah, that's good, I'll see you later, bye Liyah." Toni called through the receiver and I didn't bother saying bye as she already hung up.


I took a shower knowing that I won't be sleeping even if I tried. 

When I got out, I slipped on a pair of black hipster underwear and bra and a tank top.

I pulled out a Red Bull and decided to watch Disney movies for a while..

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