Chapter: 10

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"Miss. Langdon." The Dean narrowed his eyes at me; I smiled brightly at him. 

"Jack." His eyes narrowed more and I threw my hands up in the air in defense. He sighed and waved his hand for me to follow him into his office. There sat in a chair the girl I beat up.

"Aailyah, take a seat." I shrugged and walked over to the seat next to the girl. I sat next to her and she glanced at me, I threw her a toothy sarcastic grin. She scoffed. Her face looked worse than before I rearranged it! hahahah! Sorry.. Not funny.

"Aailyah, did you or did you not beat this girl up?" Mr. Reverend questioned and I shrugged. "I did what I had to." I stated and he sighed. "And why did it involve punching her." He questioned and I smiled. "Lets ask her, shall we?" I turned to her and waited for her response. She winced at my judgmental look.

"I-I." She stuttered and I rolled my eyes. "I hit her because she was harassing me, sir." I explained once she wouldn't say anything. "How so?" He asked and I nodded. "Excuse my language, sir, but she said, and I quote, 'I am such a slut and she bets I fuck people for money." I turned to the girl. 

"Is this correct?" The principle looked to the girl for confirmation and I turned too with a raised eyebrow, waiting for her answer. "Y-yes, sir." He nodded. "Then I have no choice then to expel you Miss. Rivers. Please leave the room and go sit in the waiting room." She nodded and left the room.

He sighed and looked at me. "We shall not tolerate this behave, Aailyah. So, I have no choice, but to give you a week of detention." I nodded in understanding. He smiled at me and I offered one back. He looked taken aback. 

"Why do people look at me like that when I smile at them?" I asked feigning offence. He laughed at me. "It's just a nice thing to see. That's all. We're also not used to it, you don't smile a lot." He explained. I shrugged and gave him a small smile. 

I got up out of the chair and walked to the door. "Good day, Aailyah." He called out after me. I turned around with a smirk. "Good day, Jack." He shook his head at me and chuckled lightly. I smiled and left the room.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. "Hello?" He asked confused. I rolled my eyes. "Get everyone together outside, I'm on my way now." I explained. 

"But, I'm in class." He trailed off and I groaned. "What class?" I planned my excuse. "Mister Smith." I smiled. "Really? I have Mister Smith right now too." I explained.

"That's great, now come get me out of here! Oh and Jay, Alex and Jackson have this class too." He explained and I groaned this is going to be harder than expected. "Okay, I'll see you soon." I hung up not waiting for his response.

I walked down the hallways and stopped in front of the door. Pacing I tried to think of a plan. A kid dressed up in a suit walked down the hallway. 

"Hey, kid!" I called out to him capturing his attention. He pointed to himself as if to ask 'who me'. "Yeah, come here!" He shrugged and made his way down to me. "I need your help." I asked and he gave me a skeptical look but nodded.

I smiled and grabbed a piece of pink paper and cut it into a square. I wrote the names 'Jay Parker', 'Alex Stewart', 'Jackson Kingsley and 'Elijah Rodriguez.' He gave me a confused look and I told him to just walk in and tell Mr. Smith that they were needed in the office. 

He sighed, "you owe me for this." He flashed a smile and I shooed him in. He walked up to the door and knocked. I waited for all of them to come out into the hallway. The guy came over to me. "Do you want money?" I asked him and he shrug.

"I actually was thinking your number." He leaned against the wall and smirked. Jerk. "Do you even know who I am?" I questioned and he shook his head. "Aailyah Langdon." I stated amused and his face turned into one of realization. "Okay, never mind, forget I asked." And with that he cupped his area and walked backwards slowly.

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