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the two boys were now cuddling on a blanket after their long day together.

they went to the arcade and Jeongguk got mad because he didn't get enough tickets to buy a stuffed animal chicken, so he ended up bribing the worker into giving it to him.

he gave it to Taehyung who laughed. then they went back to the house and made a few sandwiches together and threw them in a bag with some drinks.

they were now in a grassy meadow, laying on a blanket, taking small bites of their sandwiches every once in a while.

the sun was about to set and Taehyung looked at Jeongguk.

"i love you," the younger says.

Jeongguk looks at him, shocked at the sudden words but quick to respond.

"i love you too, princess," he says, leaning down and kissing the younger boy on the lips.

it was deep and passionate, nothing like Taehyung had ever felt before.

as for Jeongguk, well, Taehyung was the only person he's ever kissed but he knows just how much the younger boy means to him.

they pull away and smile at each other, cuddling back into one another and watching the sun finally set.


"almost!" Hoseok shouts.

"damn," Yoongi says in a low voice.

Jimin groans.

the three were playing beer pong in the house that they all share now. it was Jimin and Hoseok against Yoongi.

Jimin takes the drink and chugs it down quickly, Yoongi had just gone and made it in a cup.

"cute," Yoongi says.

"this isn't fair, you're too good at this," Hoseok complains, it was his first time ever playing.

"well i can't let you two win, now go, it's your turn," Yoongi laughs.

Hoseok cheers when he makes it in.

"haha! i got it in, drink now," Hoseok demands.

Yoongi laughs and drinks from the cup.

"my turn!" Jimin says, preparing himself mentally and physically.

he releases a sigh and bounces the ball of the table, missing the cup.

"ugh, this is impossible," Jimin complains.

Hoseok ruffles his hair.

"we're going to win, don't worry," he says.

"hey by the way, Hobi, do you want it go back to your mom's and get more clothes to keep here?" Yoongi asks from across the table.

"oh, um, no, i got all the clothes i want, the rest don't fit well or look stupid," Hoseok lies.

"oh, okay," Yoongi says and shoots the ball into the cup.

"drink up Hoseok."


"hello Noah," Jin says in English.

the twelve year old just stood in front of them.

Jin and Namjoon have been working on their English the best they could before the boy was approved to live with them.

"dad," Jin days to him.

"dad," Jin says, pointing to Namjoon now.

"two?" Noah asks.

"yes, dads," Namjoon says.

Namjoon was almost fluent in English, but Jin wasn't so he struggled communicating with the boy.

"where's mom?" the young boy asked.

"no mom, we are your dad's, we will take care of you," Namjoon says.

the boy nodded, looking around the house.

"follow," Jin says, taking the boys hand.

they walk upstairs to the bedroom on the right.

"we were told you like spiderman and superheroes, so we decorated for you," Namjoon says.

"spiderman, pew pew pew," Jin says, putting his hands out as if he were making a web.

Noah giggled and then jumped into his bed. the spiderman room was the perfect size and Noah loved all the action figures his dad's had bought him.

"you like?" Jin asks.

"yeah!" the young boy yelled excitedly.


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