twenty four

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"wake up!" a little girl yells, jumping on her fathers' bed.

"aish, Jordan, why you have to wake us up so early?" Taehyung says.

"i want rainbow pancake!" she yells, pouncing onto Taehyung's chest.

"ask dad," Taehyung groans, wiping his eyes.

"dad! c'mon just one itty bitty pancake?" she made her famous sad face that could always manipulate her dads to do anything. "well, not itty bitty, i'm a hungry girl!"

Jeongguk giggles.

"of course, angel," Jeongguk gets up and puts his bunny slippers on, the whole family has matching ones.

"if you get up, i just may make you one too, princess," Jeongguk says to his husband.

Taehyung quickly hops out of bed an follows the two downstairs quickly.

"oh, Sierra, you're up early," Jeongguk says, seeing their teenage daughter sitting at the counter with a bowl of cereal.

"not purposely. that stupid dog Yeontan woke me up at the crack of dawn," she groans.

"Yeontan is not stupid, he's my baby," Taehyung says, grabbing the said dog and sitting on the couch.

Jeongguk takes out a bunch of ingredients to make his famous rainbow pancakes that taste heavenly.

quite literally, they are famous.

"why cereal? you know your dad is a world class baker and five star cafe owner throughout South Korea, right?" Taehyung asks Sierra, proud of his husband's work.

"ugh, not everything about him is good, he has flaws too," Sierra complained.

"don't talk like that Sierra!" Jeongguk yelled.

"just finish your god damn pancakes, dad," Sierra said, leaving her dirty bowl on the counter and grabbing her bag and walking out the front door.

"what's with her-" Taehyung gets cut off by the door opening.

"forgot the keys," Sierra said, grabbing Taehyung's keys and leaving the house.

"can't believe you let her take your car. especially with that attitude, i'm surprised she even got her license," Jeongguk says, putting a plate with a cut up rainbow pancake with syrup in front of Jordan.

"yummy!" she says and takes her plastic fork and starts eating.

Taehyung gets up and sits next to her on the island counter.

"for you, my princess," Jeongguk says, putting two pancakes in front of Taehyung.

"thank you, sir," Taehyung says, pouring maple syrup on his pancakes.

Jeongguk sat next to them and started eating as well.

"i love these daddy!" Jordan says to Taehyung.

"i know you do, angel. i do too," Taehyung giggled.

the door suddenly opens.

"insert trumpet sound here because Namjoon forgot his trumpet at home," Jin says aggravated, walking in with two boys.

"what is happening?" Jordan whispers.

"you all are invited to our precious son's wedding, and if you do not attend, i do have legal permission to kill yo- i mean um not give you leftover cake," Namjoon says, almost forgetting that the 7 year old was there.

"no! but i want cake!" Jordan pouts.

"you better come then, Noah would hate to have you miss it, right Noah?" Jin turns to his son.

"yes, please come Jordan. me and Jaemin are very happy together and we would love to have you attend," Noah says, holding the little girls hand.

"okay, i'll go, i just have to clear my schedule. i think i have a modeling gig that day," she says.

"he didn't say when-" Taehyung says but gets cut off buy Jeongguk slapping his thigh.

"well great, because it will be a very special day," Noah says, handing an invitation to Taehyung.

"i didn't expect soon?" Jeongguk asks.

"i'm in my twenties, i think it's a good time. you two got married around my age," Noah points out.

they nod.

"hey guys," Hoseok and Jimin walk in.

"oh, it's a party!" Jimin says excitedly.

"yeah, one we clearly weren't invited to..." Hoseok says.

"oh good! we were just going to go to your house! Noah's getting married!" Namjoon says.

"that's amazing!" Jimin says, hugging the boy.

Noah gives them the invitation with their last name on it.

"well it's good to see that everyone finally has their lives together," Hoseok says.

"not so sure about that, Sierra's so moody all the time. i mean, it can't be her period since that only happens like once a month so we really don't know what it is," Jeongguk says.

"maybe have her see a therapist?" Namjoon suggest.

"maybe. anyone hear any news about Yoongi?" Taehyung asks.

"last i heard was that he got five more years added for assulting a guard," Jimin says.

they all just stand there awkwardly.

"anyways, that's nothing to worry about now, so why don't we just continue on with our lives. me and Jimin were going to go to play mini golf together, do you guys wanna join?" Hoseok asks.

"sure, we got nothing to do today, can we pick up Jaemin on the way?" Noah asks.

Jimin nods and turns to Taehyung, Jeongguk, and Jordan.

"nah, we can't, gotta bring Jordan to school since Sierra decided to leave earlier," Taehyung explains.

"oh, well, if you're free after, you know the place," Jimin says.


The five boys walk out the door leaving Jeongguk and Taehyung with their syrup-covered younger daughter.

"silly girl, you made a mess," Taehyung says.

Jeongguk giggles and gets up to get a wet napkin for her.


i really hope you all enjoyed reading this story, unfortunately we have come to an end. :(
please make sure to vote if you really liked it and make sure to check out my other Taekook stories! <3

hey!! this is an update, but could y'all go check out my recent book "Cafeteria"? it would mean a lotttt to me <333

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