chapter 9

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Toni's pov


It was first day of summer camp I was wearing my ripped jean shorts and baseball t-shirt, I had my shades and baseball cap on, I got dropped off and saw Ellie standing with her luggage by herself, it was just me and Ellie going, James didn't want to come because he was going to try and score girls this summer, we all know that isn't going to happen he's just going to be playing video games, "oh my god why is my mum making me do this" she said, I looked to her "well you shouldn't have thrown that party and trashed your house, any way it's going to be fun because I'm here..." I nudged her making her laugh to herself, the bus turned up with our team leader he had a helper who was carrying a box I'm guessing with a load of t-shirts in because she was struggling to get it out of the bus, I couldn't help but watch and laugh, as a few more kids straggled to the pickup point, "hello fellow campers my name is harry, if you would all like to come and sign in with Rosie she will give you your camp shirt, we are team kolas, I know you guys might be thinking we are a small group but there is more to pick up and some already on the bus..." he said with a overly forced smile, I nudged Ellie, "this is going to be along four weeks..." I said sarcastically, Ellie turned to me shocked, "four weeks... this is four weeks... arrrr come on..." she dropped her head back in defeat, I couldn't but help, "why so glum chum..." Rosie said we were next to sign up, "she's just realised this is 4 weeks" I said laughing, Rosie gave me the clip bored and I found my name and signed the box next to it and passed it to Ellie, Rosie gave me my shirt, it was a blue t-shirt with green cuffed sleeves it was a ringer design.

I went and got on the bus my bags had been put on when I signed in all I had was my rucksack full of snacks and my diabetic gear needed for the weeks we were gone, my mum was so worried making sure I had everything checking my beg a thousand times even after I double checked it told her I had everything, sometimes it's annoying but I do appreciate it because I know she's only doing it because she loves me, and wants nothing to bad happen to me, I sit near the back and shortly Ellie is followed by taking the seat in front of me, I put my bag on the seat beside me so no one could take it and I shove my shirt in it.

We drive to the next few pick up point to which the bus was getting packed it wasn't a big bus it was like twenty seats plus the bus driver so when we get to the finale bus stop I had to let someone sit next to me, I move my bag and put my ear phones in so I don't have to talk to whoever sits next to me like Ellie is doing with some guy she thinks is cute, I put k-12 by Melanie Martinez on shuffle and to my surprise wheels on the bus plays first, I put my phone back in my pocket and lean my head against the window, I felt the seat beside me move I guess someone took it.

After a while I must have feel asleep, because I am woken up by a sudden jolt, I had managed to move my head from the window and on to the shoulder of my bus buddy, I rub my eyes and removed my earphones apologizing for falling asleep on them, when I turned and saw the most beautiful person I had ever met, "it's okay, we all fell asleep, you seemed comfortable, I didn't want to wake you..." she said smiling, I smile back, I put my hand out "my names Toni..." she took my hand and shook it "Lucy, it's nice to finally know your name..." she said smiling, Ellie leant up against her chair looking at me, "so your finally awake, I thought I would have to hit you to wake you up..." she said laughing to herself, "by any chance are you bored?" I asked as she sat back down looking through the gap, "yes, yes I am, he's fell asleep to and I have no one to talk too..." she said pointing to the guy beside her, she put her hand out towards me, "what..." I asked, and instead of an answer she lifted her hand and put it back down again, "I think she's hungry..." Lucy said with a laugh.

I looked to her and back to Ellie, "she gets me, and I've just met her, but I've known you for ages..." I laughed looking through my bag for the snacks, I pulled out a bag of crisp and pass it to Ellie, and then I pulled a packet of squashies, I put my bag back down and open the sweets up I take one out and offer them to Lucy, she takes a few out the packet, "thank you..." she said she smiled placing one in her mouth, "so my names Ellie, I guess Toni hasn't told you I'm one of her best friends the other is at home playing with himself..." I laughed at Ellies comment knowing full well what she meant, "I'm Lucy, it's great to meet you, to be honest I didn't think I would make friends so easily, as I don't know anyone else..." Lucy said with a defeated look on her face, I put my hand on her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze "hey it's going to be fine, you can stick with us" I said with a smile.

The bus slowed down as we turned up to camp, "okay campers, we are here the plan is, you're going to have time to sort into your tents, yes you can pick who you want but it's got to be 6 to a tent and no boys in girls tents and girls in boys, okay and then we are going to meet up in the middle of the field, now pile of and grab your bags..." harry said at the front of the bus, we all piled of and grabbed our bags and head over to our correct tents, we had to go with 3 others who we didn't know, it took us up to 20 minutes to decide which bed we were going to have, me, Ellie and Lucy took the three at the back while the others took the ones at the front, they seemed alright the were quite, we all sat down trying to get to know each other with whatever time we had left.

"okay koalas campers you have had enough time to talk and sort your tents out head on over to the tree in the middle..." harry shouted so everyone could hear, we walked out of the tent one by one I was the last, I saw everyone else struggling to get out of theirs it was quite funny to watch, the three other girls headed of but me and Ellie and Lucy took a slow stroll before we got to the spot we sat on the floor, waiting for the rest to get over, as the last few flowed in harry started "okay guys so we have a few activities before dinner and then we have got some night time games I think we are going to play man hunt with the other teams, I believe there is up to 15 teams but you guys know we are going to be the best" he said with the forced smile again, we headed over to archery for our first activity.

The day flew by so quickly after archery we did rock climbing and for dinner we had chicken nuggets and chips which was great and then for man hunt we played for a few rounds but then me and the other two decide to sit out and just talk by the end of the night I was absolutely shattered I just wanted to sleep we walked over to the tent, as soon as I was in I got to my bed and slid into my sleeping bag the others followed me, we sat up talking all night, I weren't sure when we went to sleep but we woke to birds chirping.

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