chapter 24

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Lucy's pov

We lay in bed with our naked bodies tangled together, I feel her place a kiss on my head, "you hungry babe?" I hear her say I look up and place a kiss on her lips, I feel her smile against the kiss, "for food I mean..." she says as I pull away and laugh, I nod and sit up from her she gets up from the bed, I watch as she sways over to her closet, I can't believe she's mine, I smile to the thought as I watch her get dressed, she turns and smiles as she tosses me a jumper and a pair of shorts, "come on, get dressed" she says as she walks to the door, she stops and chucks me my bra, I hide my face from embarrassment, then I felt the bed go down, I pull my head from my hands and see her kneeling beside me she smiles and places her hands against my cheeks, and lightly kisses me, we smile against the kiss, "you have nothing to be embarrassed about" she says pulling away from the kiss winking at me.

She stays on the bed as I get dressed and we walk down the stairs together hand in hand, we walk into the kitchen, I lean against the kitchen counter as Toni goes and gets a menu from the draw, "what pizza do you want?" she asks me, she walks over and hands me the menu, I have a quick look and decide on having a meat feast, we also order a portion of the onion rings and fries, we wait for that to come in the living room, "hey, do you want to see if Ellie and James wants to come around?" I say as I rest against her shoulder, she looks to me and smiles, "well I did just want to hang out with my girlfriend but, if she wants our friends to join us too then why not" she says with a smile, she starts to pull her phone out, but before she could do anything I grab it, "if you just want to be alone with me then I'm okay with that" I say placing a kiss to her neck, I feel her giggle under my touch, I pepper her with kisses from one side to the other making her laugh, "stop... stop..." she said between laughs, I pull away, "well it's up to you?" I said as I got up and walked out the room to the kitchen for a drink, she followed all the way to the kitchen, I stopped at the fridge and got out two drinks when I felt her arms snake around me from behind, and her chin on my shoulder, I laid into the embrace and smiled.

I felt her arms untangle from my waist, and she took her drink and my hand, we started to walk back to the living room when the bell rang, she went to answer the door as I stood at the door frame of the living room, "hey dude" I watch as she exchanges the money for the pizzas, "keep the change man" she says as she turns and closes the door, she smiles to me and walks over, she brushes past me and places a kiss on my cheek, I smile and follow behind her she places the food on the table and sits on the floor, she picks up the controller and turns the tv on putting on another film, I sit next to her, watching her test her levels with such ease, I didn't realise I was staring "you all right babe, you could have started" she said I shook my head and smiled, "I wanted to wait for you" I said smiling as she put her meter to the side, we sit in comfortable silence eating our food, talking ever so often making each other laugh by the different stories we shared, we just finished our food as Toni was about to do her insulin, when the doorbell goes again and then the doors opens showing, James and Ellie walking through the door, with drinks and food, I look to Toni as she carries on doing her insulin, she noticed me staring and she shrugs her shoulders.

"we thought we would come and see the patient" James said smiling and holding up a six pack, they sit on the couch from us, I help Toni take the empty rubbish to the kitchen, "did you message them?" I ask her she looks to me and shakes her head, she carries on putting the rubbish in the bin, then she walks back over to me putting a hand either side of me, "I didn't message them, I won't you to myself" she said as she gave me a kiss I placed my hands on her cheeks and smiled into the kiss, we were broken apart when we heard someone clear there throat, we broke apart and saw Ellie standing there staring at us with a smile on her face, "did you guys have sex?" she said with a smile on her face, I turned to Toni with my face growing red, "no we've just had a movie date" I hear her say as she places an arm round my waist pulling me closer, "okay, I don't believe you but all well" she says laughing walking over to the cupboard, "where does you mum keep the glasses, this time" she asks looking to us.

Toni drops her arm and walks over to the cupboard pulling out two glasses, "here you go" she said handing them over to Ellie, she turns and walked back over to me smiling, I watched as Ellie walked back out, I pull Toni into my embrace wrapping my arms around her back, I lean into a kiss and pull back, "thank you, even though I probably didn't help" I say laughing as she puts her arms around my neck, "she doesn't need to know, and no need to thank me" she says placing a kiss on my forehead. "are you guys coming back or are you still making out" we hear Ellie shout, Toni falls her head on my shoulder laughing, "come on before she sends a search party" I say, as I unhook my arms from her back and take her hand, I lead her back to the living room, and sit on the couch she sits with me and lays on my chest.

We laugh and talk for another hour, when Tricia walked through the door, "hey guys, I thought it was just going to be you and Lucy" she said looking to Toni, she laughed and looked at me, "yeah so did we" she said turning back to Tricia, Toni moves her legs and lets Tricia sit next to us, "when is mum and dad getting back" she asks, Toni shakes her head, "I don't know, it's been like 2 hours" Toni says as she laces her hands with mine, I placed a kiss on the top of her head, "god you two are so gross" James says as he starts to gag, I watch Toni get up and turn to him, "how dare you" she says, "we are not gross we are adorable" she says as she turns to me and plants her lips on to mine leading to a passionate kiss, she pulls away smiling at me staring into my eyes, I smile back, I lean down again and kiss her on the lips, I feel her smile into the kiss, we break away and hear a few, "ews" from James and Tricia, but we hear "aw" from Ellie, we laugh to their reactions.

Toni lays her head back down on my chest, I wrap my arms around her stomach and I place my head on hers, by the end of the night we are all laughing and talking about past stories, when I felt Toni fall asleep on me I place a gentle kiss on her head as she stirs in her sleep moving closer to me, wrapping her arms around my stomach, I hear Ellie and James chuckling to themselves, they both get their phones out and start taking pictures of Toni sleeping, I swot them away trying not to wake her, they sit back laughing, "can you guys piss off" I say sarcastically, laughing at their reaction, I sit back and I feel Toni stir in her sleep, I start to stroke her hair to try and keep her asleep, I watch as she smiles in her sleep.

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