Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Pandora's POV

"Why didn't you tell me I had a sister or another Moonlark was made before me," Sophie practically shouted at the Collective.

"We-we forgot about her and focused our efforts on you," Squall explained.

"Yeah and look how well that went for you. I've been with the Neverseen for ten years and you never even noticed," I sighed.

Granite, Forkle, Wraith, Blur, and Squall all tensed and even more tears spilled out of their eyes.

"You're the monster," I repeated, "You created a monster by making her life and ripping it away just as fast. Wylie will die within four hours and It'll be your fault."

"NO!" Tiergan shouted.

I walked towards him, "You created this and I'll show you how it's like without family."

"Please don't," Tiergan begged.

"We're sorry," Mr. Forkle added.

I shook my head and stepped back, "You did this to me. You sent me to Exilium with supposed erased memories and never looked back. The Neverseen promised me revenge and I gladly joined them."

"They did all that to you?" Sophie chirped.

"They did. I was the first Moonlark and now I'm the last. Run away if you want and I'll be at the Neverseen with open arms. The Black Swan hides to many things and I paid the price for it,"

I turned to the Black Swan and snapped my fingers. A tiny vile appeared in Sophie's hands. It held a white liquid and it shimmered with golden flecks in it.

"I'll see you later, but I'm glad you went through the test," I told Sophie.

"What test?"

"A test to show you how wrong the Black Swan is,"

I called down the Everblaze, filled it with Shadowflux, and let it carry me to the surface. I snook one last glance at the Black Swan. They held grief, misery, confusion, anger, understandment, and fear. Once I was on the surface I made an ice path and raced off toward the snowy Neverseen hideout.

I finally made it and I waved my card over the DNA panel. I walked inside and made it to Gisela's office in less than a minute. I knocked and Lady Gisela's familiar voice welcomed me inside. I walked in and a surprised look filled Gisela's face.

"Back already?" she asked.

"Yeah all they know is that were going to attack the Goblins soon and were targeting the Goblin queen,"

"I'll need to speed the timeline up," Lady Gisela sighed, "Anyways looking at your face I assume that you showed them."

"And maybe convinced the Moonlark to join our cause,"

Lady Gisela raised an eyebrow, "Impressive, but I told you not to kill anyone."
"Oh don't worry about the Endal kid. I already gave them the antidote and scared the life out of the Collective,"

Lady Gisela applauded, "Excellent. You are dismissed and your boyfriend has been waiting for you,"

I rolled my eyes, "I actually wanted to get rid of my mask entirely."

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