Chapter 34

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Ruby POV-
I woke up and look out my window to see it was morning. I get out of bed and look around my room. I get out of the room and go to my twin sisters room. I knock on the door.

Ruby: Lisa......

I didn't hear a response and decided to sit in front of the door.

Ruby: How are you feeling?

Once again no response from this door. Usually she would give me a hum or yes to tell me that she was okay. I sat their a little longer and spoke again.

Ruby: I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I know you didn't really mean to hurt me. Your just really strong like Yang.

Still no response from her. I sit their thinking of what to say next but it was silent. Too quiet really. I know Lisa wouldn't want me in her room right now but I just need to make sure. I open the the door slowly.

Ruby: Lisa......

I look through the room and see no one. I felt my heart clench as I frantically look through the room.

Ruby: Lisa!

I run to Mom and Dads room and shook them awake.

Summer: W-what...

Tai: What's going on?

Ruby: It's Lisa s-she's gone I couldn't find her in her room! And-And

Mom looked like she calmed down and looked me in the eye.

Summer: Don't worry about Lisa she's probably just taking a walk.

Ruby: But-

Mom put a smile on her face then put a hand on my shoulder and put me in a hug.

Mom: Shh it's okay she'll be back soon. I know it.

Ruby: But what if she gets lost! Or maybe she's hurt somewhere! She-

I was about to break down into tears I looked at Mom again and she was looked away from me while dad just got up and went to the bathroom. She looked back at me with a forced smile on her face.

Summer: How about this you wake up Yang and you guys can make breakfast for today while I look for Lisa. Sound good.

I nod and go to wake up Yang. I look back to see Mom look out the window.


Hours went by it was afternoon now as I sat next to the door waiting for mom to come back with Lisa. I hope she's okay. Suddenly I hear the fort open and look to see Mom carrying bags of groceries. I rush to her seeing if An was there with her but nothing.

Ruby: Where's Lisa?

Summer: Nothing I couldn't find her.

Tears started to well up in my eyes as I look at the ground. Mom hugged me trying to comfort me as I looked at her. She was smiling it looked like she had a sense of relief.

Summer: Don't worry tomorrow I'll look again to see if I can find her.

I nod as she stands up.

Summer: Good. I'll be in the kitchen making cookies. Do you you wanna help me out.

I wipe the tears that were in my eyes and nod as I follow her to the kitchen.

But Mom never found her. Days soon turned to weeks and weeks to months. Everyone seemed to just give up on the second day. I wanted to go looking for her but everyone told me that she was probably gone by the week. Sometimes I would go out by myself to find her but by the time I got outside I was caught. After 2 months everyone thought she was gone but I never lost hope. I think she's still out there.


Its been a year since Lisa went missing I sat in Yang's room as she practiced on a punching bag.

Ruby: Hey Yang. Can I ask you something?

Yang: What's up?

Ruby: Do you think Lisa is okay.

Yang: Ruby....

Ruby: She might still be out their what if she's not in Vale she might be in Atlas or maybe-

Yang: Just stop.

I look back at her as she takes off the gloves she had on. She sighs and looks at me.

Yang: It's been a year she's disappeared. She's probably gone now. Even if she's not in Vale she couldn't have made it. She probably died from a Grimm.

Ruby: How could you say that! You don't know that!

I started to cry and left her room.

Yang: Ruby wait!

I slammed the door and went to my room. She's so cruel. Lisa cared about you guys and you threw her kindness in away.

Soon after that I started to accept that she might be gone but their was still some hope that she still might be alive somewhere out there.

Flashback end-
I woke up and looked around I see that it was still night. I look at my clock and see it was 3 in the morning as I lay back down. And look at the ceiling. I look back at my scroll and look through the photos and found a picture with the Lisa next to me while we were kids. I turn off my scroll. I should have done something. I should of helped her while she was here. If I was with her more would she had stayed........Maybe. I think about An and where she was. I look around the room and see she wasn't here. I sigh and lay back down to my thoughts. I don't know why but ever since the train incident I see An as Lisa but that's impossible she should be 16 like me. Theirs no way that she can still look like a 6 year old kid. Still though the similarities are pretty close.

I just close my eyes to fall asleep when suddenly I see the door open. I get up and look around the moonlight being the only way to see the room. My eyes widen to see An all bloody and limping. I couldn't help but gasp as she looks at me.

An: Hey...

I'm lazy and didn't update yesterday my bad but I'll be back on schedule.....maybe. I'll see you in the next chapter.....I guess

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