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If I knew it all then would I do it again would I do it again if they knew what they said would go straight to my head what would they say instead

Final Chapter

"Faggot." He laughed.

"Elephant seal." She taunted.

They pulled my hair and tugged on my clothes. They threw my food on the ground and pushed my around.

"You're crazy to think that you won't end up living by yourself."

"You're so ugly. You look like garbage. No one will ever love you."

Even then I still had a smile on my face.

I picked up my backpack and wished them all a nice day and walked out the cafeteria to see Tom waiting for me.

"Where to today?" He asks.

"The park." I say a small smile spreading across my face.

"You always want to go to the park, Y/n." Tom started to complain as we started walking.

"I like the park." I say nudging him over. "It's quiet and not a lot of people go there."

Looking up to see the familiar bench, I ran over to field and laid down to see the blue sky.

Staring up at the clouds and trying to figure out what they look like.

As Tom took a seat next to me I pointed up to a cloud and said, "That one looks like a pig."

"No, well that one looks like a piece of broccoli."

"A piece of broccoli?!" I exclaimed with a laugh coming out of my voice. "That's so random."

"Well it does, don't you see it?"

"Yeah, but that's the most random thing I've heard!" I began dying of laughter and rolling in the grass.

"Ok ok. You pick one?"

"Ummm," I said as I tried to calm down, bits of giggles escaping my mouth. "That one looks like a wolf chasing a baby chick."

"And you say mine is random." Tom said as he began laughing.

"That's what it looks like, Tom."

"No, it doesn't."

"What do you see?"

"I see a cat playing with a ball of yarn."

"That's not random, but it is incorrect."

"Oh come on, Y/n, it looks like a cat." Tom said staring up at the clouds that slowly moved away from our vision as the world turned.

"It's a wolf chasing a baby chick, Tom."

"Doesn't the wolf chase the pigs though."

"We're not in the three little pigs, Tom. We're in the one little chick."

"The one little chick? That's not even a real thing." Tom began to laugh again.

"I made it up." I said as I started laughing with him.

"Your laugh is the most beautiful sound I've heard."

"That was very unexpected."

"It's true."

"What about the sound of the road when you're on a road trip."


"The sound of the wind?"

Tom hummed a 'mm mm' as he shook his head no.

"The sound of the waves at the beach."

"Your laugh will always stay number one, Y/n." Tom said as he booped my nose.

"Whatever." I said as I pulled him in for a kiss.

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