*Seeing a Flower*

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???'s Pov 

My eyes gazed at the water in the pond wearing a waterfall that streamed upward to another pond above me. Watching the waterfall quietly moving the pond in rubble, I removed my clothes to soak myself clean after playing all day. 

Before I was about to dip into the water, I noticed my father flying around. I waved my hand excitedly to get father's attention, excited to show off a big splash that I learned to do while father was away. 

"Ahh! ~" I jumped into the pond with a cheer. The water acted differently than what I was expecting from last time. Back then, the liquid separated itself with me going through it quietly. This time, the water became loud when I jumped in. 

I questioned it while underwater and was about to ask father, but my eyes caught a glimpse of something, or someone. It was a girl... another person with long hair, upside down, watching me with confusion, just like me. 

I had never seen another person before my eyes before. She was extremely pretty and easy to look at. Just as I was going to touch her to see if she was real, she disappeared after a golden shine appeared. 

The pond seemed to be deeper than it was the last time I used it. Before, I had to be on my toes to touch the bottom, but this time... 

"Was there anything you saw, child?" Father asked telepathically when I swam back to the surface. 

"I saw someone... it was a person like me with..." I played with my hair that looked nothing like hers "Pretty hair and..." I thought of her shining eyes "Was I seeing things?" Father only stared at me, not responding and just flew off without an explanation. Was I meant to see this person? Is that why father asked if there was something I saw and didn't give an answer when I did?

I must be seeing things, but if not... there could be a possibility of another world other than this one if people like me exist. After all, those eyes told a story I really wanted to know, and since then... I've wondered about that person and if I really was just seeing things. I got my answer in my dreams sometime later. 

She was wearing a color I wasn't familiar with. Her style was very cute and sweet, making her look younger than she really was. Her heart was much more mature and a bit older than mine was. Where I saw her again was in a dream, she looked lost and heartbroken. I could tell just by reading her heart that she was sad about something.

I was able to communicate with her behind a barrier of water, just like how we first met in the pond. I only asked who she was, but she disappeared before I could get an answer... My curiosity was growing, and I longed to understand where she came from and admire that pure heart of hers. 

This world I lived in for as long as I can remember was always the same. It was always dark and quiet, but I was never alone. Each day I think about what I can do and wonder when something new will happen. 

The world I lived in had a different gravity than hers. Her world was a world that had a lot more color than what I've seen in my lifetime. I learned this when she first arrived in father's world after father created a purple color hole up above when becoming angry at something. 

Her arrival was the most exciting thing that happened in this world, no offense to the others who tried their best to entertain me. The first thing I gazed at was her amazing style of clothing. It had a different tint that was so pretty that I couldn't help but want to touch it. Her eyes were big and shiny, full of life, and curiosity of this world. 

She would often complain about the movements of the rocks and standing on another rock formation to a different pathway, making me wonder if this was something that didn't exist where she was from. 

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