Trouble in Aether

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Y/N = Your name
H/C Hair color
E/C = Eye color
F/S = Fav Song


Hau and Y/N were sitting inside the boat as they were being taken to Aether
"Why the long face-
"I will skin you alive"
Y/N cut Hau off mid-sentence as he pulled out his pocket knife from out of his sleeve


Hau immediately placed his hands up in defense while a nervous smile graced his lips, Y/N slipped it back inside its holster under the sleeve of his dominant hand. The H/C male looked over at the side window slipping on his F/C headphones on
"Don't bother me until we get to were this Aether place is..."
He snarled towards Hau who gave him a thumbs up Y/N pulled out his 2F/C phone, with one hand he unlocked it as his other hand was messing with his H/C haired he started scrolling until he tapped on F/S which started blowing through his headphones. Pocketing the phone into the bag that was strapped to his right thigh he leaned back and closed his eyes letting the world turn black

________in Aether _Paradise____________

After the two teens got to Aether Hau was excited as usual meanwhile the H/C Edgelord was grumbling to himself as his Doublade was following behind his Honedge had finally evolved after a three-hour-long fight with Kahuna Olivia...
"Holy Hell Everythings whiter then Heaven...
Y/N said as he followed how the teen looked down at his pale hands noticing how his skin blended in with the white of the entire facility he was too distracted to notice he was about to walk into someone until Hau had grabbed him by the back of his hood yanking him backward
" AYE!"

"You were about to run into someone!"
Hau pointed out still holding Y/N by the back of his hood, Y/N only grumbled as he stared at the man in front of the two
He said looking at the man in funky green glasses he snorted and walked behind Hau as to not be near the weird-looking man
"What in Arceus name are you wearing?...
He said to himself before looking down at his shoes he blocked out the conversation between Hau and who he guessed was 'Faba' by the name tag on the man's lab coat...
" Hey....hey!....HEY!"

Y/N looked at Hau with a raised eyebrow
He hissed by was taken back as Hau grabbed him by the collar of his Sweater and yanked onto the Triangular-shaped elevator Y/N stood next to the purple-haired Lady he looked over at her and took notice of Her name tag 'Wicke' was her name he then looked away blocking out their conversation again...

-----------Conservation Area---------------

Y/N and Hau stepped out of the Elevator Hau running off to who knows where and the H/C teen was left to adventure off on his own, so doing it like in the movies he started wandering around looking at all the Pokemon in their small areas he soon came across a semi-large area were he noticed a tall woman with platinum blonde hair and green eyes
"Why does she look like Gladion and Lillie?..."
He thought to himself, Hau already talking with the lady so Y/N decided to pop up behind Hau
"Oh! You must be.....Y/N?...
The tall lady said as she seemed a bit troubled at the teens clothing style the H/C teen sighed and looked at the woman
" yes I'm Y/N and you are?...
The woman responded as she smiled creepily at the two Especially Y/N who felt weirded out...the two were soon cut off from talking as there was a rumbling they looked around...

" what was that?...
Lusamine asked as she looked at wicke, the purple-haired lady was about to respond but a harder Rumble hit-making the whole floor of the Conservation area shake
Y/N shouted pointing at the area in front of them, some sort of tear started ripping in thin air as it distorted the air around them soon the tear created a wormhole we're a jellyfish-like creature appeared Lusamine looked captivated by the unknown beast Hau was keeping her from approaching the thing,  Y/N's Gallade popped out of its ultra-ball and in front of its trainer, Gallade looked over his shoulder to which Y/N nodded and held the Keystone that was strapped to his throat Gallade placed both it's own hands-on its Galladite which was strapped onto his necklike it's trainer
"By the power bestowed onto me by this Keystone and my Pokemon bond, I will unleash its true power! GALLADE MEGA EVOLVE!"
Y/N shouted as streams of light flew out of his Keystone connecting with the streams of light that came out of Gallade's own Galladite suddenly a ball of light surrounded Gallade, Hau was watching the two with his jaw dropped a few seconds and the mega Pokemon broke out of the ball of light letting out a cry



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Y/N shouted as his Pokemon rose its hands up in front of him before pulling them back to its side a ball of light grew in Gallade's palms before thrusting them towards the unknown Pokemon a beam of light shot out hitting the ultra beast launching it back inside the wormhole to which it closed Y/N looked over at Hau who had awe look plastered on his face...

"Dude that was so AWESOME!'
Hau shouted as Gallade returned to his regular form Y/N walked over to his Pokemon and pulled a poke-puff from out of his bag handing it over to Gallade who happily ate the poke-sweet in delight Y/N returned his pokemon back into its ball...

______time skip_______

After the two reached Ula' Ula Island, Y/N a Hau exited the pokemon center, Hau ran in front on the Edgy teenager and started hopping up and down in excitement

Y/N facepalmed and sighed while taking out his Gallade's ultra ball...
"It's Mega Evolution you Alolan fuckwad...


Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now