Hold my Curry

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aaaaaaand... I am alive... Anyways ya'll know the reader key lets just get this bitch on the road...


"Hau for the last fucking time... I will NOT be giving you any of my curry!"
Y/N spoke obviously seething with rage, Gladion was quietly eating as he watched his boyfriend and his seaweed colored friend argue, Hau obviously being the happy sunshine he was tried begging even giving Y/N lillipup eyes but alas, the Edgy 16-year-old refused, Lily their platinum blonde and fair-skinned friend only sighed as she shook her head taking a bite from her curry mimicking her brother's amused face.

Hau whined face scrunched into a begging stare as the y/C haired male clutched his spoon tightly

His snarled lips twisted into an angry scowl

He begged clinging onto Y/N's F/C shirt

Y/N hissed loudly slapping Hau away as he soon finished his curry and got up Hau anime-style sobbed as Lilly patted his head whilst shaking her head Gladion just stared at nothing face blank as his mind held one thought

"Why must Arceus hate me?"

And time skip brought to you by Hau getting his ass whooped by Hop

The Gang had finished packing up their camping supplies making their best efforts to continue to Motostoke Y/N at the front with his Silvaly Walking beside him, the said the synthetic dog had its tongue out panting like an overgrown puppy, Gladion had his own Silvally out whilst Lilly had her Vulpix out Hau, on the other hand, kept getting distracted by the Galarian wildlands he almost got his face bashed in by diggrsby but was yanked back by the hair Y/N huffed angrily as he pulled Hau with him Hop had joined their little adventure team, his scorbunny followed behind him as did his wooloo. Soon the gang and Hop arrived at the grand stairs leading up to Motostoke

"Whelp... Here we are Motostoke"
Y/N spoke bemused as his Rotom Dex flew out from his messengers back

"Aww Zzt N/N don't be such a zztubborn boy have zzome fun!"
The Dex spoke its blue eyes winked at the teenager who only huffed and stuffed his Dex into his bag before they all descended up the stairs stepping onto Motostoke ground, Sonia met up with them at the pokemon center Y/N was healing up his Silvally, Rollicoali, Drizzel, and Linoone, after a few minutes of chatting they began their way over to the elevator when Lilly stopped them

"Oooh look! A clothing shop! Come on let's go in!"
Y/N and Gladion both complained but were shut up by both Hop and Hau who grabbed them by their wrists practically busting the door to the boutique down as they ran to the front of the shop

"Welcome to the Motostoke clothes shop you may look around but if you wish we also have some clothing for you to try on"
The tanned women spoke cheerfully as Hau and Hop practically bolted to their clothing aisle leaving Lilly, Gladion, and Y/N to browse on their own, they said F/C haired male found something he liked which he took into the fitting room to try on...

"Welcome to the Motostoke clothes shop you may look around but if you wish we also have some clothing for you to try on"The tanned women spoke cheerfully as Hau and Hop practically bolted to their clothing aisle leaving Lilly, Gladion, and Y/N to ...

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(Deal with it, plus I'm an ATLA fan)

after a few minutes Y/N stepped out almost tripping on a shirt that was on the floor, Gladion subconsciously looked up only to freeze as he stared at his F/C haired boyfriend who was tying the yellow ribbon tighter around his waist. He looked up making eye contact with the blonde they both stared at each other before looking away, Y/N paid for his clothes before they all stepped back out, Hop and Hau had gotten their own clothes which seriously looked like the same freaking pair of clothes they wore every day whilst Lilly had gotten a new hat with a gracadia flower on it

"Woaaaah Y/N! You look coool!'
Hop gasped stars practically danced in his eyes as Hau smelled the air around them

"Mmm~ smell that air you can practically taste the food"
He howled as he bolded off towards the food Court Hop hot on his heels as they both were hungry leaving Gladion, Lily, and Y/N to stand around awkwardly soon they moved onto a hair salon, Y/N chuckled as he brushed a bit of hair from Gladions face

"You may want a hair cut those french fry looking strands are growing awfully long soon your left eye will be blocked"
He teased making Gladion huff

"Yeah yeah let's just get it over with"
He grunted not admitting to the fact that he wanted some alone time with his edgy boyfriend, the three decided to get hair cuts



(Gladion keeps the french fry hair cuz it looks cute)

Around 7 pm the four met up again, Hop and Hau had a mountain of taking out food as they made their way towards the Budew inn coincidentally meeting Sonia there again, Y/N went ahead up the golden railed stairs and onto the lobby he huffed as he spotted a group of punk edgy mc edgfucks pesturing the front desk receptionist... The F/C haired male sighed as he approached the gang from behind, the challengers were complaining about not being able to check-in due to the idiot hot pink colored mohawk sporting punk cladded stud wearing and slang spitting gang members in the front

"Hey! Y'all wanna move? Theres people here trying to check-in and your hogging up the front desk"
He hissed obviously tired and not in the mood for any bullshit, the first one turned around doing weird hand gesture like movements he spoke in a heavy Galarian accent

"Oi listen up ere tough guy were here to support our lady and we ain't taken any dis from ye Alolan bunch"
He spoke face paint covering his eyes

"If I were ya I'd wipe that paint from your face and realize you're dissing the Alolan champ fatso"
Gladion snarled from behind Y/N obviously on protective mode which had grown overtime ever since the accident with Lusamine and the water...

"Oi who you callin fatso ya edge twat!"
The member of the gang hissed with a female next to him both taking out their pokemon, Y/N huffed as he brought out his Linoone and Gladion took out his Lucario, Y/N sighed before shaking his head

"This is gonna be like that Team Skull incident...
He sighed eyes stinging from the bright lights of the lobby

"Alright! Linoone night slash!"


Catch you on the next chapter

Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now