That bitch in the mine

441 8 2

Happy new years or something


It had been a few days since the visit in wedghurst and Y/N, Hau, Lillie, and Gladion were all making their way toward turffield gym Hop and his Scorbunny decided to join them on the way towards Galar mine. Silvally was acting up in its Pokeball so Y/N had to bring the 7ft robo doggo out for a walk since Gladion had his Silvally out
"Awww your two pokemon are cute"

Hop cooed whilst watching the two Silvallies walk next to each other Gladion on the other hand huffed annoyed at the (idfk what hops hair color is called so imma just go with Blapurle) Blapurle hair colored male
"Great just what we needed...another fucking Hau clone...

Lillie lightly smacked Gladion on the back of his head (I like ya cut G)
"Don't say that Gladi he's our new friend and friends shouldn't be rude to each other"

Gladion only grumbled whilst Y/N had grabbed the platinum blondes hand whilst chuckling
"Say that to Hau who got his ass kicked back in Hau'oli city...

Hau popped up from the back with an angry look that made him look like a patcharisu with its cheeks puffed out in cute anger
"hay! You didn't help me when your boyfriend was chasing me around ready to punch my face in!"

The seaweed hair colored teen pouted as Gladion stuck his tongue out at him from over his shoulder meanwhile Hop and Y/N got into an argument about food whilst Lillie only sighed before noticing they were near the entrance to a mine
"Hey, I think we're here!"

Y/N and Gladion only walked into the mine with their pokemon back inside their poke balls not giving a shit about waiting for the others
"I'm gonna go ahead okay? Alright, see ya!"

The h/c male said before letting go of his edglord boyfriend's hand and running off making sure to avoid the rail tracks Gladion only sighed as he waited for Lillie Hop and H as to walk their asses into the mine

_________With our dear Reader_________

Y/N was looking at all the crystals mounted on the stone walls of the mine, he wanted to take some as a souvenir but knew it was or might be illegal so he didn't want to take a chance he instead continued walking further into the caves avoiding the Raggenrola and woobats that were around the mine floor and or the cavern he also spotted some caol looking pokemon he wanted to catch one so he readied his ultra balls
"Whelp here goes nothing....

He said to himself before throwing the ball it struck the unsuspecting pokemon and sucked it into the ball as a white light soon it lightly hit the ground, Y/N watched in anticipation as the ball


Hell yeah! Y/N picked the ball up before stashing it away in his bag he got up from his kneeling position and continued exploring the caves not minding the wild pokemon after a while Silvally popped out as it wanted to explore with its trainer, the said pokemon let out a happy chirp when Y/N had patted the top of its head before continuing to walk forwards soon they got into another Cavern a few feet away from them stood a....girl?...boy? Whoever in a pink long coat with weird leggings and pink shoes
"I bet you five rainbow beans this guy an edgelord...

Y/N whispered to his silvally who let out a growl in agreement that caught the unknown strangers attention the said person only smirked before doing a sassy hair flip
" any challenger with a wishing star who comes to this area will get their ass kicked"

He said in a smug tone but was cut off as Y/N threw both arms in the air

he shouted and groaned whilst taking five of the rainbow treats from his bag
"Here you incompetent fuck...

He let silvally eat from his hand before looking at the stranger
"anyways the fuck are you? You look like a reject fairy type gym leader or something...

The stranger huffed and took a poke ball out
"the names Bede and let's see who's the reject here!"

___________not even a minute later_________

Silvally stood atop a pile of fainted psychic pokemon it panted in excitement with its tongue out as the dark type disc was visible as the fins on the top of its head and tail along with its eyes were a darkened void color
"H-how! How are you that strong!?"

Bede shouted as his pokemon didn't even have the chance to even BREATH before Silvally tore them down in one shot
"Tough luck dude you just got your ass handed to you by a Champion...

Y/N said whilst shrugging hands in his pockets as he walked forwards to his large synthetic pokemon
"a-You!? You're a champion!? But you look weak!"

Bede stammered in shock yet disbelief as the h/C male only chuckled
"Dude I'm only doing this dumb gym challenge because I have nothing to do and I wanna start over on a new adventure...

He walked forwards and patted Bede's shoulder with a cocky smirk before walking past Silvally in tow
"Next time don't let your cocky attitude get to you cuz this may happen again and you'll get your ass handed to you by another champion...

And with that Y/N stepped out of Galar mine whilst Bede stood in shock a few feet behind as he still couldn't get what the H/C male said to register in his mind


Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now