Lusamine that bitch

496 9 4

Skiddadle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle...

Y/N = your name
H/C = hair color
E/C = Eye color
F/C = Favorite Color

Y/N Hau and Gladion had stepped in through the doors leading into Lusamines room just in time for the trio to see the said woman teleport into an unknown area after opening a hidden mirror door Lillie was still tied up to the chair Gladion ran over to her and tried to untie her only to find out the knots we're to tightly bunched together, Y/N walked over with the help of Hau and the three were trying to untie Willie but the H/C male huffed angrily
"Fuck it I'm gonna cut them off...
He huffed and pulled out his dagger to which he proceeded to cut into the thick rope Lillie still looking surprised at her brother being there started to cry lightly
" no time for tears Lils we got a crazy lady to stop....or crazy mother....
Hau looking confused looked at the three
"Wait what?...
Y/N looked at hau with a resting bitch face and rolled his E/C eyes at the tan male
" yeah Glads n Lils are Lusamines kids there was a file on the three in the hidden lab ya doofus...

_____Taking flight____

Y/N Hau Lillie and gladion made it down to the secret chamber Lusamine had the squad looked horrified as they noticed frozen Pokemon Hau wanted to vomit while Lillie and Gladion ran forth to their mother who stood there smiling...
"You like it? They're my babies...kept frozen for eternity in their beauty...
Her voice was full of insanity along with her eyes, Y/N bitch slapped Hau out of his trance, and the two of them ran towards the two Y/N spoke up as the three were too scared to speak
" This isn't too freaky, to be honest, I've seen what team flare has done to Pokemon while in Kalos this is just another mad person with a dream of creating a new world but there are always nosey kids to stop them...
He said as he slowly made his way towards her to have a Pokemon battle and to save Nebby from where ever the hell that insane lady had put the tiny creature in....
"I guess the only way to get my if I kill you!"
Lusamine shouted as she pressed a button, the floor under Y/N feet suddenly caved in making him plummet into the darkness of the ocean below the last things he heard before going unconscious in the murky cold waters of Aether Paradise.....were his friends shouting his name before everything turned to darkness...

___Tapu Caco and cuddles____

Y/N eyelids slightly twitched as he opened them...he felt very cold his head hurt and so did his back...sitting up he noticed he was on the side of a beach, his thoughts were cut off when he sneezed wrapping both arms around himself he slowly stood up and looked looked as if he was back in MeleMele island....luckily his bag was waterproof so everything inside was safe from the salty waters of the sea...
"Shit...fuck...Fuck fuck!...
He shouted as he noticed he had a big slash on his stomach he started trying to get up but noticed his ankle had been dislocated after an hour he started slipping into unconsciousness....

_____Kukui's place____

Stirring....stirring...eyelids twitched lightly before opening...a bright light was casted over the spot Y/N was laying, he sat up slowly he noticed his clothes had been replaced with a/an F/C tank top and white swim shorts with F/C stripes and red pull strings...
" what....the...were the hell?....
His voice was raspy as he threw his legs over the edge of the bed he sat on he slowly stood up his sock-covered feet pressed onto the cold floorboards he noticed he was in Lillie's old loft room he looked around and noticed his red thigh strap on bag was missing...he sat back down after pain had shot through his ankle letting out a hiss in pain...

____Time skip____

Y/N was sitting in the office chair in Kukuis lower floor lab the two were currently talking about what happened
"Yep that's the truth Lusamine had kidnapped Lillie so Hau, Gladion, and I decided to go save her but after getting into the lower secret lab in lusamines home I was suddenly dunked into the ocean...
Kukui nodded before he grinned and handed Y/N his RotomDex...
" rotom also filled me in on the story your Pokemon are playing outside you've been unconscious for almost a month...
Y/N stood up suddenly but Kukui placed his hands on the teenager's shoulders making him sit back down
"Don't sweat it cousin rest for a while and don't worry about the others they don't know you're here since I wanted you to rest in peace instead of being bombarded by the others...
Y/N nodded slowly before looking at Kukui
"can I go back upstairs now? It's to cold here...


Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now