Galar vacation

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Here are more Bois!/Girls!/People!

Also thats your outfit you can style the hair but not the colors

It had been around a year when Hau, Y/N, Lillie, and Gladion decided to move to Galar for a few months of vacation time, Currently, the squad was at Sonia's lab. Lillie was playing with Yamper the electric Corgi Puppy as Y/N and Gladion were talking with the orange cinnamon haired woman whilst Hau was looking outside of the glass window and towards the small garden on the side of the lab, they all were waiting for Champion Leon to arrive.

"Hey...Glady I think Silvally's out again... 

The H/C male said whilst Gladion turned to see his Silvally rummaging through Y/N's bag looking for treats

"Silvally! Hey! No!"

Gladion shouted while he tried pulling his pokemon away from his boyfriend's bag but it was too late Silvally already had a rainbow Bean in its mouth

"Are those the pokebeans?"

Sonia asked while Y/N nodded in response he laughed at his blonde boyfriend tried taking the treat from the 7ft tall Synthetic beast but failed yet again when it devoured the rainbow treat and looking at Gladion whilst panting like a lillipup.

"I'm surprised Professor Kukui let us keep our Silvaly's as Lillie and Hau had to leave their pokemon behind...

" wait you have one as well?"

Sonia asked as she looked at Y/N with her head tilted to the side

"Of course I do I also brought my mega stone and keystone as there my precious items"

He said as he pulled out a keystone ring and a bag full of mega stones.

_____________A time skip to a few hours____________

Y/N, Hau, Lillie, and Gladion were all at Leon's family house, Hop and Hau were comparing Pokedex well Rotom Dex and Rotom phone dex with each other While Y/N was talking with Leon

"Well, I may be 19 but I'm still the first Alolan champion while you may be the undefeated one at least I'm still the first in the alolan region...I would battle you but I only have one pokemon...and it's my big boy...

He said as he wrapped an arm around his Silvalys neck, the said pocket monster let out a growl of affection and licked its trainer's cheek meanwhile Gladion seemed to glare daggers at Leon from behind his H/C boyfriend, the Platinum blonde man was stewing in anger well jealousy as he didn't like the way Leon seemed to talk to Y/N or well look at him...


Leon isn't the rival to Gladion its goin be the pink cladded fellow you meet in the Galar mine

Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now