Solgaleo Heatstroke

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Y/N and Gladion were currently sitting against the rocky wall near the exit of the dragon type trial, Y/N was almost ready to faint from heatstroke as he was hyperventilating from the heat...

"You sound like a dog...
Gladion said as he had been watching the H/C male lay on his stomach in the shade he still dawned the Edgy blonde's clothes since Y/N had no more PokeDollars after having to buy so many Revival herbs...

"I hate you...
Y/N grumbled as he laid his sweat-covered head onto the rocky floor not minding the coldness of the shade covered floor...

"You should get up...
Gladion said as he stood up and walked over to the other edgy H/C male lightly poking his head with the tip of his shoe

"I have fallen I refuse to get up.....carry me...
Y/N said but then let out a squeal as he felt himself get picked up...well more like semi picked up by the blonde

He shouted as he squirmed around before being dropped down he huffed and sat up dusting the front of the sweater and stood up...

______Time skip_____

Y/N, Lillie, and Gladion were sitting on the steps of the Altar of the Sunne...

"How much longer do we have to wait Lillie?"
Gladion said annoyed as usual meanwhile Y/N was feeding Gallade and Decidueye which made the blonde feel envy because the Pokemon were getting all the H/C's attention...

"Not too long we can wait a few more minutes- wait...Gladdy are you jealous~....
Lillie said giggling as she poked Gladion's cheek as she had noticed her brother starting at Y/N who was distracted by his pokemon to listen or he didn't give a fuck....

"no! Jealous of what!"
Gladion semi yelled back as he smacked Lillie's hand away from his cheeks

"I'm not jealous! You're jealous!"
The blonde yelled as he was too embarrassed to admit he was actually jealous...

"Jealous of what?...
Y/N said standing over the two from the top step area after he returned his Pokemon back to his Pokeball's...

"Oh, Gladion's just jealous because of-
Lillie was cut off as Gladion had used both hands to cover her mouth

"She's Just hallucinating from the heat!"
He shouted as he felt a warm wetness on the palms of his hands he pulled his hands away and squealed as Lillie laughed Y/N only rolled his eyes at their siblingness

Gladion shouted in a si girly voice Lillie was just laughing her ass off...


Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now