Poni Island Fairy tale

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Y/N = your name
H/C = hair color
E/C = eye color
F/C = fav color

Y/N in Gladdies clothes you can change the hair color, eye color n hairstyle

It had been a week since Kukui let Y/N stay at his place since the teen needed a bit of training on how to NOT fuck up his ankle again since it was almost a very serious injury...

But he knew he'd live...currently he was sitting on the couch on the lower section of Kukuis lab when there was a loud pounding at the door Y/N ignored up as the Professor had gone upstairs to open the door...

Y/N then heard familiar voices talking at the same time with Kukui who was trying to calm them down....Y/N already knew who the three voices were...
"Oh for fucksake...

Y/N groaned as he stood up slowly lightly nudging Houndooms head off of his lap and slightly limped up the stairs Houndoom following behind making sure that his trainer didn't accidentally fall...

" Alright alright, the fuck is going on...
Y/N groaned as he stood next to Kukui who looked surprised at the H/C teen being up and walking, Hau immediately tried to hug Y/N but the said male stepped to the side and stuck out his good foot making Hau tumble onto his face. Gladion covered his mouth as he was about to laugh at Hau but contained it in...

Lillie cried out as she lightly hugged Y/N the said male hugged the petite, blonde girl back lightly patting her on the back

"What's been going on you three?...
He asked letting go of Lillie the three looked at Y/N before telling him the entire story...

____arival on Poni___

" whelp......Let's get to finding that flute...
Y/N said as he was trying his shoes he had to borrow a set of Gladions clothes since his were COMPLETELY torn to shreds and or bloody

"Damn it Gladion your shoelaces are weird...
He mumbled under his breath before sighing and forcefully trying the shoes tightly, he stood up and adjusted the sweater since it was slightly baggy and it smelled like chocolate...

" anyways I'm guessing you're going back to Aether...
He said pointing at Gladion and then looked at Hau

"And you'll be going to another Malasada shop or going back to Iki Town...
Hau nodded before climbing back onto the boat, Gladion shook his head and stepped closer to the H/C male

" no, I'll be staying since I have Wike to take care of the mess in Aether...
He said crossing his arms Lillie eyed the two Edglord's before secretly smiling already feeling that there was something going on between the two...

"Hey lils you have any full heals? I've run out of FullRestors and it seems Trev is paralyzed...
He said as Lillie nodded and handed the E/C male a full heal...

___Time skip break down___

The three were now standing around the crumbling ruins Y/N was looking at his RotomDex while the two siblings were off to the side whispering to one another

" you can't lie to me Gladdy I see the way you look at him"
Lillie whispered and giggled at the end while Gladion's face turned pink in embarrassment as he had been caught staring at the H/C male he looked at Lillie with a semi red face...

"No, I don't shut up..."
He whispers yelled slightly while Lillie gigged more, Y/N walked over to the two with his RotomDex...

"Rotom here says that Tapu Fini's ruins are near the hot spring area it also says that her water can heal or whatever...
He said handing Lillie his Dex Y/N proceeded to pull at the collar of the sweater he was wearing he looked at Gladion

" How the hell do you not get hot in this...winter furred sweater!...
He said as he was already sweating from the blazing sun he then huffed and unzipped the sweater a bit due to Gladion not having and extra shirts he was shirtless underneath the edgy hoodie...

"At least you could have worn a shirt!.
The edglord shouted covering his red face after spotting the H/C males chest

" what? Gladdy finds something he likes?...
Y/N teased while Lillie was giggling her ass off as she watched her brother be harassed by the other edgy male

"DO NOT!...
Gladion shouted pulling his hood over his face...

" oh, you so do...
Lillie said making Gladion look at her

"You not helping!"
He screamed in a girly voice as Y/N was laughing hysterically...

__Hapu the Kahuna__

"Fuck it I'm not wearing this...
Y/N finally crumbling under the heat pulled the sweater off trying it to his waist by the sleeves...

"Shit that looks painful...
Gladion said cringing as he noticed the large slash stitched up mark on Y/N abdomen Lillie also looked interested

" I don't know how I got it...
Y/N said as the three were walking towards the shrine room in Tapu Fini's temple after Y/N had pushed in the two giant boulders in the first room.

"Hey, that's Hapu!...
Lillie said as the two Teens looked up at where ever Lillie was pointing Y/N eyebrows shot up in surprise

" hold the fuck up! It seems that Hapu's getting a sparkling stone!...
Y/N said pointing out the said floating Z_Stone that Hapu lightly touched before catching it in her cupped hands she looked at it and nodded before turning and waving at the three...

"It seems like you three were watching...
She said smiling before looking at Lillie

"Lillie you said you were looking for the Kahuna?...well you're looking at them.
Hapu said as Lillie smiled and nodded before doing a little Lillie style dance Y/N only nodded before crossing his arms

"whelp looks like we'll be able to find the Sun flute now that Hapu is the Kahuna...
Y/N then looked at Gladion and then to Lillie...

"ho, you're looking for the Sun flute?...
Hapu said looked surprised, Lillie nodded as Gladion did his weird pose and Y/N did his own Edgy pose it looked like Gladions but semi different

"yep, you see their mother had turned a special Pokemon into a dormant like state as she opened a rift in the world and now we wanna get their mother back and figure out how to return Cosmog back into his peppy Nebby form...
Y/N opened his eyes as he had closed them during his explanation...

"Hmmm...If I remember correctly the Sun flute has been set in Executore Island for a long time...it used to be a trial sight before it had been abandoned...
Hapu explained and Y/N had already ran off leaving the two blonde siblings with Hapu the three looked confused but Gladion had snapped out of his confusion and ran after the male...

____time skip after getting the flute____

Y/N was sitting in the Pokemon center with a brand new F/C t-shirt on he was sewing up the sweater Gladion had let him take as a set of clothes Y/N was sitting in the corner of the cafe with his Meowstic sharing some Poke-beans with Haundoom...

"and done...
Y/N mumbled and placed the hoodie back on placing the hood over his head as Lillie and Gladion ran in looking exhausted and sweaty after having to run all over looking for Y/N

" oh hey...
Y/N said as he watched the two siblings plop down into a chair in front of Y/N, the two were sweating buckets...

"Fuck you for making us search for you...
Gladion huffed out as Lillie faceplate onto the table

"at least I got the flute...
Y/N said holding the Flute up while grinning at Gladion...


Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now