U-Turn back to Aether

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Made a type: Null Centaur


Y/N and Gladion were both waiting for Hau it had already been two hours Y/N was ignoring the pain in his thigh he bit his lip anytime the wound stung due to the warm air of Ula'Ula, Y/N had already defeated Nanu and looked over Gladions shoulder as he had been standing near the ledge behind the blonde he spotted the happy fucker running towards them
"Here comes sunshine boy...
He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest while gladion tried not to blush due to how close Y/N was...
" watch out Glads Hau seems to of gained a huge ass crush on lils....
Gladion looked at Hau with a very pissed off expression, the green biased teen soon walked up to the two edgy teens and smiled Gladion glared menacingly at Hau while clenching his fists while Y/N was watching before placing both hands on the blonde's shoulders
"Hold up there big boy we don't wanna knock Sunshine boy out as you do need to explain your plan of infiltrating Aether...
Gladion seemed to calm down after a while...

_____time skip_____

Hau and Y/N both had already climbed into the boat Gladion manning the front part while the two trial goers sat in the back part Haus Flareon had seemed to of gotten out of it's Pokeball, the fire Pokemon was wandering around as its trainer (Hau) was playing with his other Pokemon, Y/N had already removed the shard of glass from his leg he was covering it up with a piece of cloth due to the glass piece having cut into an artery the H/C male was beginning to lose a lot of blood Y/N didn't notice as he thought he was getting sleepy but Flareon seemed to of smelled the blood and Hau were too busy feeding Raichu Flareon had to run into the front part of the Boat we're it tugged on Gladions sleeve the said edglord tried waving the Pokemon away but it soon started dragging Gladion into the back part of the boat we're he seemed confused until he noticed a now unconscious Y/N head tilted back and blood covering their entire thigh and some of the floor....

_________Patchup mayhem________

Y/N woke up in the middle of a Pokemon battle between Faba and Hau Gladion was still holding the H/C teen in his arms which made Y/N's cheeks get pinkish he noticed his forehead was pressing up against the blonde's neck snuggling into the other teen's jacket fur he stayed quiet since he was still lightheaded Gladion was too busy watching Hau's battle to notice that the H/C teen had awakened, Y/N Trevenant was aiding Hau's Raichu in defeating Faba's Hypno after all the two were in a double battle.....
" Aw sweet! We did it!"
Hau jumped up and down excitedly along with his Raichu who also seemed like it was exciting, Trevenant wandered over to Gladion and snatched its trainer from the blonde's arms startling Gladion in the process...
"I'm awake Trev...
Y/N said quietly while lightly rubbing the wooden part of Trevenant's body with the palm of his hand, Trevenant seemed happy as it carried its trainer in its arms meanwhile Gladion looked.....and unknowingly felt...irritated for some reason he shook it off and followed behind the Ghost Pokemon as the trio (well group due to Trevenant being out of it's Pokeball) walked outside thinking the coast was clear but no fucking team skull grunts we're everywhere scattered around like bird food waiting to be picked off one by one like flies...Gladion huffed as he ran forwards ignoring the grunts and heading towards Guzma...
" put me down Trev I'll manage...But I do wanna lean against you though...
Y/N mumbled the last bit as his trevenant put him down but leaned against the ghost tree Pokemon the two walked in sync with each other as the Pokemon made sure it didn't accidentally make its trainer go into more pain Y/N had a bandage well more like a bandana tightly wrapped around his thigh cutting off the bleeding Y/N started a Pokemon battle his Trevenant putting him on the floor gently as it went forwards to battle and easily defeat the grunts Zubat the Ghost Grass Dual type soon took down the rest of the grunts in a quick battle as it was around 20 levels higher than the enemy Pokemon...
"Thank you, Trev...
Y/N whispered still tired Hau helped him walk Y/N didn't complain due to the physical contact the three made their way behind Gladion who looked frustrated after losing to Guzma Y/N didn't let the said white-haired grown man talk and instead Immediately instructed his Trevenant to attack Guzmas Golisopod...
" Trevenant use psychic and throw the fucker into its trainer...
Trevenant without a look immediately lifted up its branch-like arms and with the power of its mind lifted the big water dual-type into the air before immediately slamming him down into Guzma without any sort of warning Gladion was watching with a look of shock yet felt proud for dealing with the team skull boss...
"I...diddodon't like him very much....
Y/N said looking at Gladion before the four of them rushed into the mansion but we're stopped by Dulse and Zossie...
"oh gosh damn it those two again...
Hau cursed, Dulse was about to speak as he stepped forwards but Y/N's Meowstic came out of it's Pokeball and used Hypnosis on the two, they both dropped like a sack of potatoes onto the floor creating a loud thud when their helmeted heads hit the cold marble white floor...
" I taught them when to not let anyone stand in their way.....
Y/N said proudly with a smirk while Hau laughed and Gladion only sighed mumbling under his breath...
"Why do I even love you?....


Your team basically consists of...

LV: 50
LV: 59
Meowstic (Fem)
LV: 60
LV: 66
LV: 68
LV: 53

I was going do a dark type team but Nah...

Plus it's close to my actual ultra moon team except if you remove Meowstic and add Golisiopod...

Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now