Edgy Mc Edgelord...

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lets a go!

Y/N = you name (male)
H/C = Hair Color
E/C = Eye Color
F/MF = Favorite Malasada Filling

Also your outfits similar to Gladions but different... you can change the hair color and eyes but you stay pale as hell like the Edgy boy...

You and Gladion are both 16-17
Lillie and Hau are around 14...

Since your from Kalos you have a key stone...you'll find out what mega evolution you have...

Y/N was about to finish his sentance but Hau already shoved a malasada into the H/C males mouth shutting him up the e/c
"Aw come on y/n! Have some fun Alola's full of fun!"
Hau said as y/n death glared Hau while chewing on the deep fried F/MF Malasada his right hand clutched his Honedge's pokeball the said Ghost steel type was floating behind the Edglord...
"Oh thats Lillie! LILLIE! OVERE HERE!"
Hau flagged down the girl who walked over to the two her sun hat lightly bouncing up and down lightly as she walked her hands clenching the strap of her pokeball designed duffle bag once she got near the two she noticed the Edgy teen death stareing Hau he used his hand to pull the half chewed Malasada from his mouth some of the F/MF was sticking to the corners of his lips along with crumbs
"Hau one of these days I'll bash your face in...
Y/N growled but licked the corners of his lips wipeing the rest of the Malasada crumbs off his face with the sleeve of his hoodie
"Dawww you don't mean that? Do you?~"
Hau pinched Y/N's cheek and pulling it as he laughed Lillie sweat dropped as she noticed the H/C male looked even more pissed off the trio were soon interrupted by two weird teenagers walking towards them slowly while flailing their arms around as if they were spazzing out
Grunt A was cut off as Y/N flung the half eaten doughnut treat at his face making sure the weird Gangster wannabe didn't finish his sentance
Y/N shouted as he suddenly grabbed Honedge by the hilt and waved him around like the sword the Ghost steel type was the Edgelord took in a breath and let out a girly scream as he got into pose while pointing the saber of the sword towards the two Grunts
Y/N let out a girly battle scream and sprinted full speed at the two Hau and Lillie watched as the Edgelord sprinted after the now fleeing Grunts still waving the poor sword Ghost pokemon around
"Should we?...."
Lillie looked at Hau who was munching away at a Malasada with Brionnie the two seemed to interested in the Edgelords shenanigans so Lillie and Nebby who had been floating near the platinum blondes feet watched until...

_____time skip_____

Y/N was currently making his way towards the water type trile after catching himself a fomantis...
"Son of a-
"Y/N! Greate timing i was just about to call you but you showed up! Man isn't this guy strong!"
Hau said cheerfuly putting his hands behind his head while smiling at the Edgy H/C teen who stared at Hau with a bored look
"So your Y/N?...
The other Edglord said looking at Y/N who looled over at him
"Nope the names James....James bond and I'm here to fuck your bitch...
Y/N clicked his tougne before looking back at Hau
"I seriously wanna know how you so fucking cheery all the time...
The blonde glared at the H/C male before pulling out a pokeball he threw out a Zubat while not breaking his glare from the other edglord
"Battle me...
Y/N looked at Hau then at the blonde Before doing his own pose he placed his hand over the leftside of his face his elbow rested on his other hand while he sighed rolling his eyes
"Hey! You two have the same style of clothes! Ha you both even act like one another!"
Hau shouted making the two Edgy trainers to stare at Hau with a dead panned look Y/N then pulled his famous poker face
He shouted ready to strangle the green haired cheery goodie two shoes trainer but then looked at the blonde
"FINE! You wanna battle? Then lets battle...
He pulled out the poke ball containing his Espur...
His creepy eyed Espur came out of the pokeball with determination it let out a cry
It shouted and a purple beam shot out from its curled up ears and into the Zubat K.Oing the eyeless bat pokemon...
"Tsk....Come on out Type: Null!...
Y/N raised his eye brows as the helmeted bird/Dog/Fish looking pokemon
"What the fuck is that thing?-
The type: Null immediately one shooted Y/N's Espur the said teen returned his pokemon before pulling out a timer ball
"Alright your funural....LETS GO TURTORNATOR!"
he shouted as the large spike shelled fire dragon type came out
Y/N shouted as the said Fire Dragon dule type turned to face the Type: Null and unleashed a heavy stream of fire
As it made contact Null immediately flew backwards into the rocks behind its trainer
Y/N shouted doing a weird pose before returning his fire dragon dule type and walked over to the Blonde who was knelt down next to his knocked out pokemon Y/N placed his hand on the blondes shoulder startling him
"Come to rub your victory in my face?"
He hissed but was cut off as Y/N handed him a max revive
"Nope! I maybe a Dick but I'm not that much of an asshole...
He said chuckling as Hau watched with his usual cheery grin Y/N helped the blonde revive his Type: Null...
"My name...is Gladion...
He said not looking at Y/N who looked at Gladion with a cocky smile
"Huh nice name Glads...
Gladion looked at Y/N wiyh a semi blush after the H/C called him by the nickname
He said as he patted Null before standing up and walking backwards
"Smell ya later blondie!"
Hau followed the H/C edgelord leaving Gladion behing still knelt down next to Null who stared at his trainer in silence...



Smell ya later bitches...



Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now