King Dobrik here!

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Sorry if I haven't been writing much on this but schools a bitch and well I have been failing math and English cuz Online isn't that easy when your partially blind and have the mind span of a newborn but I have also been away from my pokemon game so when I get back to catching them pocket monsters I'll update this again

Who knows maybe I'll add in a rival for Gladion cuz I do wanna take this story to the Galar region cuz I do wanna play Sword but Sadly I have no Nintendo Switch but do not fear I'll be using my knowledge on the Galar region by watching Playthroughs

Anyways my name is David (Not really but who cares) I am your king and I'll be signing off until next time broskis

Enjoy the video cuz why not?

~KingDavidDobrik Peace out!

Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now