Its ya boi!

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Y/N =Your name
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color


Tis had been an hour after Y/N had fought Hau the two were also finishing up their Electric type trial, Y/N had been instructed by Molyane to deliver the professor his mask. Hau and Y/N managed to get back to Malie garden to witness Kukui and a white-haired tall as fuck man talking down to Kukui...
Y/N shouted from a way away behind Kukui The man stared at Y/N with a look of rage before grinning creepily...
"It's the boss who beast you down and never lets up yeah ITS GUZMA!"
He shouted in Y/N who looked unfazed but smirked like the Devil himself before eventually pimp slapping the team skull boss in the face and running behind Kukui using the professor as a shield
"You fuckin look like Gopnik wannabe...
The H/C teenager stared at Guzma with an amused look on his face before pulling out an ultra ball...
" but if you wanna talk shit then you going get hit...

_______Time skip_____

He shouted as he pulled on his hair meanwhile Y/N only stared at the man while calmly petting his Trevenant...
"You Guzzy you aight?...
Guzma ignored the teenager and stomped his way out of Mali Garden Kukui walked up to Y/N and smiled
" Thanks for helping me out there cousin!-
Kukui was cut off midsentence as Y/N shoved an item into the professor's hands
"Just take the damn mask... let's go Trev...
He said walking towards the entrance to Mali with his Ghost grass dual-type following behind him...

_______French fry boy________________

Both Hau and Y/N managed to get to the RV resort area which was near Tapu village, the two were currently sitting on the steps on the motel entrance Y/N was trying to get the last bits of cactus needles from his hands after accidentally falling off of mudsdale, the H/C Teen didn't notice that Gladion was talking to the two until Hau elbowed Y/N hard in the ribcage causing him to hiss in pain
" WHAT!?-oh hey French fry boy....
He grumbled as he bit the last few cactus needles off his thumb Gladion raised an eyebrow at Y/N Hau noticing already before snorting
"Oh yeah, he slipped off of mudsdale landing hands first into a cactus!"
Hau crackled while Y/N punched him in the side
"Keep your fuckin mouth closed Sunshine....
He hissed as Hau only ignored him Y/N looked at Gladion but looked away quickly after making accidental eye contact
" what do you want?...
Gladion only sighed facepalming before starting at Hau
"As I was SAYING I want you both on the lookout for a Pokemon named Cosmog if any of you two know about it then keep it safe if it gets stressed out...or anything like that it can rip holes in the fabric of our world and let in unknown beasts...
With that Gladion walked off leaving Hau and Y/N to look at each other with worried looks...

______Po Town let down___________

After the fiasco with Acerola and her Ghost trial, Y/N was currently in Po town getting little girls Youngoose back from Team skull Y/N had managed to sneak through the grunts and into the mansion his H/C hair dripping wet from the harsh rain which bewildered him as it was sunny out but rainy in Po town...
" that's some weird weather shit...
He mumbled as he was scrounging around the rooms avoiding grunts and looking for the papers that contained the passwords...after a few minutes, he finally found them all and went upstairs he pulled out his Trevenant, sneaking past the Grunt and letting his Ghost Grass Dual type take care of the ground walking around the staircase...
"Alright, asshat lets get this shit over with...
Before the grunt in front of the hole leading outside could speak Y/N spoke up first...
" the passcodes are Golisiopod, Poison jab, and tapu Coca, oh and that's a NO!"
The Grunt laughed letting the Edgy teen through Y/N shivered at how high he was up, making sure he didn't slip he took careful steps when walking on the planks leading to the shattered window he made it but accidentally slipped a piece of glass made its way into his thigh Y/N hissed but didn't dare take it out as he didn't want to bleed out he instead stood back up and walked inside he could feel the warm blood getting slowly soaked up by the fabric of his pants....
"Gonna have to ignore that for now...
He grunted and slowly walked to the door leading to Guzma's room, lifting up his good leg he spartan kicked the door off its hinges scaring the boss and the Grunt inside he took this opportunity and brought out his meowstic
He covered his eyes with his hands as his Pokemon let out a cry, Y/N heard four thugs he uncovered his eyes to find Guzma and the three grunts asleep the edgy male snatched up his Meowstic and the girls Youngoose before running towards the window and somersaulting out of it he landed in a bush a few feet from Nanu who watched the teenager stand up placing the youngoose down who ran off not before hissing at Y/N, the H/C male pulled out to poke all's one a great the other a Dusk ball he returned his Ghost Grass dual type and his psychic back into their own poke balls before looking at Nanu...
"Yeah, you'll probably find a bunch of knocked out grunts and a sleeping boss in there...
He said before soon rushing off back to the Aether house...


Exc0ect another one

1001 words

Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now