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"Hau if you finish that sentence imma finna bust your ass into the Galar region...
Y/N said as he had his ears covered due to a certain seaweed haired male shouting Combee movie references...

"no, but Y/N do you like jazz?"
Hau said while leaning closer to the H/C males face, Y/N stared back at Hau with the death stare of Darkcri which made Hau shiver but he chuckled nervously

"Hau.....I am not playing around....stop"
Y/N said calmly as Ageislash looked at Hau with a warning stare as did Silvally

Y/N shouted while jumping out of his champions chair running after Hau who was screaming in a high pitched girly tone the two ran in circles unaware that Gladion had made it to the top of the champions chamber only to se....two idiots chasing after each other...

"The fuck?"
Gladion mumbled as his Silvally also watched, with the same confusion as its blonde trainer...


After the murderous rampage, Y/N, Hau and Gladion were currently outside of a malasada shop Y/N had decided to pick up a Sweet Malasada for his edgy boyfriends Silvally said trainer was feeding Gladions hungry Synthetic doggo who's snoot was covered in the sweet malasada filling...

"Awww you like the treat dont you oh yes you do! Yes, you do!"
Y/N said in a baby voice as Silvally was looking like a cute puppy while munching away at the deep-fried sweet cream tart like doughnut, Gladion was trying to ignore his H/C boyfriend as on the inside...he was jealous....and Hau sweet sweet Hau....could tell

"Hey Gladion.....you jealous~"
The green-haired male cooed while pinching and stretching out the Blonde edgelords check

"No! I am not Hau...
Gladion growled but his red blush said otherwise, Y/N was to distracted with Silvally to listen to the two argue...

"awww yes you are!"
Hau unaware that he was angering the edgelord continued teasing him while Gladion could feel his stomach churning with envy towards the attention his dear partner was receiving from Y/N and was also filling up with rage towards the green-haired happy go lucky motherfucker that was pinching his cheek...

"Y/N and gladion sitting in a tree K I S S I N-AAAAAAAAAAA!"
Hau screamed out in a girly pitch as Gladion had grabbed him by the shirt collar Y/N was watching from the sidelines with a Saitama poker face, Silvally mid-bite into the Malasada also watching its trainer try to strangle  Hau to death.

Hau screamed like a girl while Y/N shrugged and looked away

"Nah I think Imma stay outta this...
He said and chuckled before watching his edgy Boyfriend try killing Hau who at that moment managed to run off but Usain bolted after Hau at the speed of sound that matched the same speed....as a certain blue hedgehog...

"At least I get more time with you, my big fur boy~"
Y/N cooed and scratched the fur under Silvallys neck the said pokemon growled in satisfaction at the affection he was receiving, Y/N's Silvally(the one Gladdy gave you) decided to join the cuddle party and so the two pokemon were now receiving pats and pokebeans from the H/C trainer meanwhile Hau ran away from an enraged Edgelord who was out for blood...and possibly revenge as Hau had started dating Lillie....Gladion did not approve...


Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now