Type: Null lovin

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New team:
Type: Null
(Cuz gladion)
Gallade mega
(Dawn wings cuz cool)

It had been two months after the Necrozma incident and a month after Gladion had left to go to Kanto currently Y/N was laying on his stomach in the champions chamber with his team, Type: Null was laying on his back while his trainer stroked his belly the synthetic Doggo was making happy noises while its fishtail wagged

"Dawww your suck a cutie Lil Nully...
Y/N said as he sat up and moved closer to Null rubbing the synthetic pokemon belly more while his other pokemon played with each other

"You're my cute big boy oh yes you are...
Y/N said talking in a baby voice while snuggling the big pokemon who only cuddled back into his trainer the soothe bell around Type: Nulls neck chimed a bit every time it moves soon the big synthetic overly excited dog was now laying on top of his trainer

"OOOOOOOF! You're big! And heavy!
Y/N cried out a bit but continued patting the excited Null unaware of the challengers watching him...

____happy Gladdy___

Y/N and Lillie had decided to work together in the conservation area, Y/N was currently helping Lillie and some of the workers unload more miss treated pokemon into their habitats, Y/N was secretly petting them though being careful as to not accidentally scare or hurt them...

"awww they look so sad...
Lillie said and looked over to her Edgy Bestie only to laugh as she noticed that Y/N's Type: Null was trying to tug him away from the baby pokemon, Null obviously was very Jealous Y/N soon gave in and walked off to go play with the synthetic Pokemon...

__with Y/N and null_

Y/N huffed but soon cracked and kneeled down a bit to hug the 6'07 tall Type: Null the said pokemon purred and snuggled its helmeted head into his trainer's neck slightly hurting him a bit due to the rough texture of the control mask the two soon started cuddling while unaware of a jealous blonde watching.....

"Hump I expected by now that Null would have turned into a silvally from how much you've showered him in love...
Gladion said in a huffed while crossing his arms obviously Jealous...

" aww is Gladdy Maddy?...why dont you join us then...
Y/N said as Gladion blushed very much flustered at what his boyfriend said

"No, I'm not cuddling-HEY!"
He said in surprise as his Lucario had unexpectedly shoved him forwards making him trip and accidentally land on the two Y/N instantly wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck while Null cuddled him Gladion looking redder than the scales of a Magikarp huffed and gave in, Y/N started to play with the blondes unusual hair feeling how soft it was...

"Whoa, cool hair feels soft as hell thought it be spikey...
Y/N said and soon stopped he was about to pull his hand away but Gladion instead pulled Y/N's hand back and onto his hair silently asking for him to play with the blondes hair again...

"Dawww Gladdy finally wants to be touched...
Y/N said playfully before kissing Gladions forehead turning him redder while Null was curled around the cute Gay Edgelords, Y/N soon went bacm to playing with Gladions hair like a curious skitty....


Gladion X Edgelord Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now