Regret this sorrow (final version :3)

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 Suddenly Varian heard a big loud noise that pushed him out of his terrifying thoughts.

"Princess, did you heard that?" he asked as he looked everywhere nervously.

"I did, Varian. Don't worry. Is help " -she said as she recognized the two figures just standing in front of her.

"Eugene"-she said with a small smile

"Blondie"-he said relived to see her again

"You found your way .Hu ? -she said smirking at him mischievous and happy.

"Of course. Being Flynn Rider for years give me some impressive abilities".-said Eugene as he got her out of the cell.

"Some steal-strength, princess"-said Lance casually and in a bit of proud tune.

"Hey, kid"-said Eugene a bit coldly to Varian.

"Eh -I"-Varian said fidgeting and a bit nervous.

"Eugene, he is coming with us"-said Rapunzel a bit nervous too but also giving Varian a comforting smile.

"What?"-Eugene said shocked and a bit worried too.

"He is going to- well- kinda betray them back since- well -they had broke their promise too.Isn't that right, Varian? -said Rapunzel trying to look reasuring.

"Sure thing, princess" -he said laughing sadly as he waited anxiously for Eugene and Lance' reaction.

"If you say so, Sunshine, then I 'll do it. What about you, Lance?"

"Alright, but first"-he said approaching Varian -"bye to that false goatee"

"Ow"-said Varian rubbing his chin.

"Sorry, kid"-said Lance apologetic

"Not a kid" -said Varian crossing his arms.

"Yeah right. We better go before those usurpers get away with this-

Race you Eugene" -said Rapunzel smirking.

"Sunshine don't¡ Varitas and you, Lance ,please hurry up" -he said as he ran as fast as he could to reach the fast princess.

"Shouldn't we be quiet?"

"She is bare feet ,Varitas"

"Right."-he said as he run as fast as his feet would let him.


They finally go out of the palace and meet with the guard in the hidden spot the big building had.

"Captain, we are here"-the princess shout-whispered.

"Glad to see you, your highness, we all are here. Well except my daughter.

Where is she?"

"I -Captain, I cannot tell all details now, but she is no longer with us."

"You mean that she-no no"-the Captain said trying to fight the tears.

"No no Captain. Is something different, thought I cannot said how much different for sure"-said Rapunzel looking down in sadness.

Sadness that engulfed the environment but was suddenly washed away as they notice the freckled alchemist with them.

"What is he doing here?" -said Captain firmly and stoic expression included.

"He have come to help, Captain."-the princess said as solemnly as she could.

Captain checked Varian with a serious expression and said:"Alright, but I hope he knows his place"

"I do, Captain"-he said resigned knowing he would not be treated well after all that happened .

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