A bright day, I wish

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"Just hold on a second, did she really got mad at you for that?"

"She did, Eugene"

"Wow. Ice dragon lady sure is protective with her matters."

"Eugene, I don't know what to do to make her see I truly care. I have never find a way to do that aparently and is even worst if I have to remember him- Var-ia-n I can't believe it take such a cost to realize we lost Varian and even is I hope he comes back, i know it will be hard and that he will not trust me"

"Well ,sunshine, you must remember who give him a second chance to live and who will try her best to make it up to him. Is gonna be hard, alright, but we- but I won't leave you face it alone. Besides Cass does have a soft spot for you for being her best friends .I am sure that you will make amends just give her time to Ice dragon lady and she will come to you"

"You are right, Eugene. thanks for being such a great company and boyfriend"

"Just doing my best blondie" -he planted a kiss on her lips and headed for bed as she giggle softly and went to sleep too.

Tomorrow will be another hectic day abroad.


"Do your work, traitor¡" -said the guard at his side with a frown.

"I am not a traitor. not longer anymore"

"Said for yourself "-said the guard.

He sighned. Another day doing force jobs.He couldn't wait for the momment to be left alone with his thoughts ,at least he will have that after this.

"You must finnish cleaning all of this place and head outdoors to pick up the royal flour packs. Finally you will be send with Xavier to...well do some stuff that will helpCorona rather than starting a rebelion and regicide against it"

"Of course ,master"-he said with slim sarcasm this day was just becoming the worst by the second.


After some hours

Well the hard part of the day was done finally. His memories now filled with the insults he received from every worker he came across, the punch he received from making a scene of pain or exhaustution, the critics of him not being able to do such easy jobs -'right like they could do better'he thought to himself while the guards took him to the blacksmith's place.

He can't say that the man was bad ;actually ,he was the only one who still threated him with kindness- apart from the generous Queen, of course-but he was not sure it was genuine concern and care or just being condescendant with him-he realized betrayal did led some open wounds to his trust .He have change but he didn't like this change.

"Hey ,genious boy, here to have another session of entertaiment with this old man as the legend of the old man says-"

"Yes ,I am ready, I suppose. So ah what are we doing today?"

"Today ,genius teenager, we are building a hot air balloon"

"Wait that means that .."

"Yes, the King and Queen are almost sure to let you go to the trip with the princess.After all ,you might find a way to save your father out there in case we don't find it these following months. Congratulations, Varian"

"Yeah ,thanks thought I am not sure if I am ready i mean what if-"

"Don't worry about it that much .You just have to hope he will be alright"

"Yeah but is quite hard to do that when you have nothing"

"You have something"


"Your life and the change to live it just it wiselly ,genius-I mean Varian"

"Thanks for the courage" -he said slighly calming down

"You're welcome. Now we got to do this air ballon to pass beyond the Corona walls"

"Yes, sir, on it -said Varian with a calm smile as he and Xavier start working in the hot air balloon that would let him reunite with them-with her.


'They won't get it ever, Cass, stop trying"-she thought to herself watching the night show of stars as every night since the trip started but some things did change. They just met Adira and she made her fell unworthy to protect her loved ones ,her arrival bring her insecuriries appear sudenly ...

And also she gained the trust of the princess, could this be worse?¡ Actually, it could be, since she was still waiting for his response. Right now that was her only desire and hope for attachment and care.

'I won't-maybe someday but not know.

I had to let them know now but how can I? -she saw the quill and start writting another letter to her dear friends exposing all her thoughts she knew deep down that these letter will never be on their hands unless a big trouble come their way and let her alone. She somehow feel that would happend and she was actually scare for her ,for him, for them, from everyone in this kingdom of good and bad of light and dark.

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