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Dave was walking through the forest, the same one the people feared to enter. Stories of vampires roaming at night were enough to scare everyone off, making it the perfect place for some peace. The stories weren't false of course, vampires were very real. Dave, known in the village by the nickname Technoblade was the head of the vampire hunter team in the kingdom, bearing the title of The Blood God. The title was given to him after killing more than a thousand vampires.

The moon was shining through the leaves, illuminating the grass and flowers on the ground. Dave loved walking through the forest, it always helped him relax and take his mind off of things. The reason he wasn't afraid of being attacked by a vampire is that every single one of the blood sucking beasts were afraid of him. He didn't blame them, he did kill their families.

But the most satisfying thing about killing vampire families is the look on the faces of children when their parents die from thw slash of his sword, seeing their terrified eyes as they try to run away, knowing they are orphans, with no home anymore, no love, if they were ever give any that is. Vampires are non-human beings that do not deserve to live in the same world as humans. They are ruthless veasts that have nothing else to do but kill and drink blood.

Dave continued his midnight walk, it was also some form of patrol around the forest for vampires that somehow weren't afraid to show themselves in the forest. Then he heard something, as if someone got hurt somewhere. He thought that someone from a nearby village went to the forest and got attacked by a bear or a wolf. He quickly rushed to the direction the sound was coming from.

He stopped by a willow tree, he saw a person leaning on it for support. It was a man from what he could see amd hear, he was holding his side. Dave looked closer and noticed that the man was bleeding. He quickly rushed to his side.

The man hearing him coming quickly turned around with fear in his eyes. He backed away, but tripped on one of the roots of the willow, he lqnded on the ground with a yelp.

-please don't hurt me!-the man said curling up in fear. Dave stopped and looked at him. He was wearing a black cloak with red stripes decorating it, black trousers and black boots. The man was also wearing glasses. He had light brown hair, and emerald green eyes, which were now filled with pure fear, mouth slightly open, revealing longer than normal fangs. The man was a vampire! No wonder he was so scared of Dave.

The brunette wince in pain as hr tried to stand up and run away, and yet again grabing his side to stop the bleeding. Dave could kill him right now, but something stopped him from doing so. Weird, considering he never even felt guity watching any vampire die, but something about this one was different. Something was about those pure emerald eyes that made Dave feel different, something about this man was different than other vampires he ever saw and slain.

He walked closer to the unnamed vampire, the brunette seeing this tried to back away, but the pain in his side made him wince in pain once again, the vampire seemed weak, probably from losing so much blood. Once dave was close enough he knelt down next to the brunette. At this point, all hope from the vampire's eyes was gone, he bowed his head down, as if awaiting death. Dave was unusualy saddened by this sight.

He sighed and gently took the vampire's hand off of the wound so he could take a closer look. The brunette seemed a bit surprised by this action and opened his eyes, looking directly at Dave, fear still present in his eyes, but it was overshadowed by confusion.

-a-aren't you.... going to kill... me?- the vampire asked, his voice soft and high but weak. Dave didn't reply, he pressed his hand on the wound, earning a hiss of pain from the brunette, tears present in his eyes, threatening to fall.

-can you stand up?- Dave asked, standing up himself and offering his hand to the vampire. The vampire hesistantly took it and weakly stood up, almost falling back down, but Dave was holding him up and helped him walk to a nearby cave. Luckily the forest was near mountains so it wasn't that difficult to find one. And the only reason Dave wanted to take shelter in a cave is because it was starting to rain and getting wet was the last thing he wanted right now.

Once they reached the cave he helped the vampire to sit down against a wall of the cave. The brunette was panting, probably echausted from the pain and the walk here, Dave didn't blame him, he WAS losing a lot of blood.
-stay here- Dave ordered as he walked out of the cave. He was going to get medical supplies. Why was he doing this again? He was literaly helping a vampire!

It took him some time but he returned to the cave with all he needed. Once he entered he was met with the sleeping form of the vampire, he needed this, but he needed to wake him up. He put the medical supplies down on the ground not too far away and shook the brunette. The vampire gtoaned and woke up, he looked like shit, way worse than before.
-i need you to take off your cloak and let me tend to your wound- Dave said

The vampire looked at him weakly and started taking off his cloak, despite being weaked from the blood loss he somehow managed to do it. After that Dave pulled the vampire's pitch black shirt up so he could take a better look at the wound, ignoring the brunette's painef groaning he investigated the wound. It seemed to be a deep stab wound, probably from a vampire hunter's weapon. Dave clicked his tounge and grabbed bandages and started bandaging the wound. After he was done he pulled the vampire's shirt down and sighed, pleased with his work.

Dave looked at the vampire. Tired from all that had happened he sat down next to the vampire. The brunette looked at him
-why did you help me?- he asked. Dave just shrugged
-i am asking myself the same thing- he ran his hand through his pink hair as he said that
-thank you....- the vampire said. Dave was kinda surprised by this, he never knew vampire even were able to thank someone, all he knew they were ruthless blood suckers, but it seems that desription is false. Vampires were much more than that.

-what is your name, vampire?- Dave asked, the brunette seemed to be surprised by this question
-Darryl.... my name... is Darryl- thr vampire said weakly. Dave sighed, that was a nice name, especially for a vampire. He put his arm around Darryl and pulled him closer to himself, making him rest his head on his shoulder
-rest for now, if you are feeling better when you wake up feel free to leave, Darryl- Dave said with a smirk as he said the vampire's name
-but... that wouldn't be nice.... to leave someone who helped you...-the vampire said, damn he was way different than the vampire he ever met, for sure.
-well, you do you, i'm sleeping here tonight- Dave said as he closed his eyes and slowly drifted to peaceful slumber.


Hello, author here, what did you think of it? Am so tired ;-; anyways,

The original idea for this story by: Being_Delirious their stories are also amazing go check them out!

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