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Eret returned to the research centre. Luckily for him the sun had already set and the moon was shining brightly among the stars on the night sky. It was truly a perfect night, the most beautiful one he had seen in his entire life, or was just because he was happy to return someone's freedom?

Hw walked through the once gloomy and dark corridors, that now seemed to be beighter and filled with unknown happiness. He walked with a smile, he would finaly be free of the burden he carried for the past few days, the burden of someone's life.

He couldn't have been happier. And yet, something managed to make him worry. A loud crash from the direction of Darryl's cage. His hearbeat became faster as his worry grew. He sprinted into that direction. He ran through the corridors he had memorised already. The corridors that just a second ago were bright and filled with happiness were now dark and filled with sadness and pain.

Eret ran into the room where the cage was and saw shattered glass on the floor and broken cage. Darryl was right in the corner of the room and just a few steps from him was Schlatt with a dagger in hand, murderous glint visible in his eyes. Eret acted quickly and ran at Schlatt pushing him away from the scared vampire.

-run away Darryl! Please take Wilbur with you...- Eret pleaded. Darryl seemed to think for a while before acting. He ran away, but one last time he glanced at Eret with tears in his eyes. Eret smiled, knowing that the mission he came here to do was accomplished. His happiness didn't last long as he felt someone punch him in the face. Stumbling a bit back he looked at Schlatt. The leader of the research centre looked at him with hateful eyes as he gripped his dagger tighter.

-a traitor among humans, you should be ashamed- Schlatt said, grinning at Eret. It was clear he was trying to lower Eret's guard and self esteem. Eret knew better than to listen to his meaningless words. He saved an innocent man and that was all that mattered to him. He didn't care about anything else as he charged at Schlatt. The final fight between these two began. A fight to death.


Floris had ran to the research centre. He was so stupid to ignore his childhood friend like that. He knew the other missed him. While running there he saw Darryl running into the forest with someone behind him. The other person didn't seem like a threat so he let them be. Floris's main focus was saving Eret from whatever hell he was currently in.

He ran into the research centre. He ran throught the labirynth of the corridors. He ran through the dull white corridors that told only one story. Floris tried not to think about anything. He ran until he heard something, something what seemed to be a fight. He knew Eret had something to do with that. He ran through the endless blinding corridors until he reached a bigger room.

He saw Eret trying to pin someone down. He saw that the other person had a dagger in hand, dangerously close to stabbing Eret. Floris wondered why his friend was trying to push the other down, then he saw sharp glass shards laying on the floor beneath them, some facing upwards. Floris finaly understood Eret's plan. But before he coulf act he only saw a pool of blood under the two.

The other person lied motionless on the ground, eyes dull, dead. Eret on top of that person, clutching his stomach. Floris immiedietly ran to him before he collapsed compeletly. Floris didn't care about his clothes getting stained by the crimson blood. He only cared about his friend. His dearest friend, the only one that ever showed him kindness while he was still human.

Eret slightly smiled as he touched Floris's cheek, some blood getting on the vampire's pale skin
-i knew you'd remember me... old friend- Eret chuckled a bit before coughing up blood. Floris tried to smile. He couldn't keep the tears from flowing down his cheeks. Eret's eyes looked dull, almost losing all their light. Floris hated it.
-don't you dare die on me...- Floris said, hugging Eret closer.
-I know i meant a lot to you when you were still a human... you did too... the first true friend I've ever had... but... it's time to let go... all things meet their end... I'm just glad I got to see you again... dear friend...- Eret said.

-i could say the same to you... Alistair...- Floris said as Eret's body became compeletly motionless. Floris stayed there, hugging Eret's dead body, he was crying. He didn't know how much time had already passed. He eventualy stopped crying and carried Eret's dead bofy back to the vampire village. He wanted to give his friend a proper funeral. A proper goodbye.


Emotion train! Welcome, time to cry!

I had to speed up with posting chapters cuz SOMEONE commented the answer to my riddle... so here it is, have fun with crying.

Who lives
Who dies
Who tells your story

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