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They were all gathered, some injured, some crying, some not even bothering. They were crying over their dead friend. Wilbur was trying to get Fundy to calm down even a little, but with no luck. Dave held Darryl close, hugging and comforting him along with Zak. The poor vampire was blaming himself for this. Dream, Nick and George were all looking down, in shame or sadness, we would never know. The other vampires didn't care much about the whole situation.

Wilbur was hugging Fundy in hoped the other would calm down, but the vampire was only repeating the same sentence over and over again 'it's all my fault'. He wanted to say that everything would be fine but deep down he knew that he would be lying to both Fundy and himself. Eret was gone, nobody could turn back time. Nobody had the power to revive.

All that could have been heard was sobbing and muffled words coming from the grieving people gathered there. But the silence was broken by a sound of footsteps coming closer to the grieving group. One of the other vampires had stepped out of the crowd. Dream looked up at the vampire
-what do you want, Harvey?-he asked the vampire in question.
-stop the grief in your heart, search for the soul you lost. Not all is gone, when hope still lives- Harvey said
-what is that supposed to mean!-Fundy snapped at the taller vampire.
-once a story was told, seemed plain and bold. Held truth and lies, to stop all cries- Harvey said
-and what is that story?- Dream said, as if knowing what Harvey was saying, even if the way he spoke was a mystery unknown.

Long ago during the darkest of nights
A vampire went out under the moon.
He heard the pained cries
Of an enemy to be soon.

He came closer and saw the human tangled up in rope
Used to trap his kind.
Human full of hope
But the vampire to suffering was blind.

What you did to my kind
Will not go unnoticed
Suffer like we do
You human scum

As the vamlire sliced his hand
Blood dripping on the grass
Blood warm and bland
Dripping into human's mouth.

Go and see
The world of pain
We live in

As the vamlire cut the rope
The human ran away
Without hope
His legs would sway.

Day passed and the human felt sick
The growing hunger he never knew
A scream woke the village
As his fangs grew

The human ran, his life destroyed
Met the vampire again
Hungry from reasons unknown
The human plead to stop the misery

The vampire blind to human's suffering
Left him to starve and rot for eternity

The human's ghost now curses those
Whose lives were happy and simple
Cursed children with no remorse
That is the curse's tale.

As Harvey finished the tale everyonr looked at him like he was crazy.
-so what you're saying is that a human can turn into a vampire? Just from drinking vampire's blood?- Dream qustioned and Harvey nodded
-you're not saying that we can...- Nick started.

-a curse gives new life, for a price of peace- Harvey said as he walked away from the group.

-give me a knife Wilbur...-Fundy said, not even bothering to look up at the human that ws comforting him just a moment ago. Wilbur gave the vampire the knife. Fundy cut his own wrist and let the blood from it fall into Eret's mouth. Even if his hopes would be crushed he could not stop believing that somehow he could save him, just a miracle would be enough.


I am suffering from writing this chapter... hey at least i tried...

Only one more chapter to go and then this story will be finished.

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