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So YOU guys chose an ending for this story, you guys chose ending D which is:

..... / .---- ---.. / ..... / ..--- ----- / .----. / .---- ----. /

.---- ----. / .---- / ...-- / .---- ---.. / ----. / -.... / ----. / ...-- / .....

(Good luck with that)


Eret didn't know when he fell asleep but he found himself on his chair, his back sore and memories of yesterday still flooding his mind. He felt so guilty that he didn't want to get up and work but he knew that the sooner he began the research the sooner the vampire would be released, free from Schlatt anf his inhumane ways of dealing with things. He stood up and walked out of his office with a book and a pen, he brought bandages just in case.

On the way to the vampire's cage he stumbled upon Wilbur who seemed to be excited and headed the same direction.
-Eret! Good to see you! I heard they brought in a real and alive vampire!-his research partner said with excitement. Eret knew how much of a vampire fanatic Wilbur was and that's what worried him about this situation the most. But what was Wilbur doing here exactly?
-yeah that is true... and what are you doing here Wilbur?-he asked in his usual calm voice
-I thought you might need assistance with the research so i just came along, you never know what kind of vampire you are researching, right?- the older replied (is Wilbur older? Idk. But in this story yes...) Eret sighed and they bith continued walking.

They entered a large room with a big steel cage in the center. The walls were pure white, which kina blinded them both. Eret looked at the figure that was laying on the cold floor of the cage. The vampire was curled up, clearly shivering from the cold, as if Eret wasn't guilty enough. He walked closer to the cage without any hint of fear
-what are you doing? We should be careful!- Wilbur yelled from behind him as he followed the younger.

Eret tapled his pen on the cage which made an annoying sound that woke up the vampire. He groaned as he sat up and looked at the two outside the cage
-this is your wake up call... we need to start the research now-Eret said in a kind and calm voice as he smiled at the vampire. Wilbur just stood behind his partner in complete silence and confusion. The vampire blinked a few times and seemed to remember what happened last night.

-what do you want to know? I'll try to answer as many questions as I can...- The vampire said. He seemed to be a bi scared of Wilbur.
-first off, what is your name? As I don't want to refer to you as 'vampire'- Eret said laughing nervously as he sat fown on the floor in front of the cage.
-my name is Darryl-the vampire replied happily.

Wilbur sat down next to Eret as he watched the two talk. Most of the things the vampire said wasn't something he didn't know already, thaw was until Eret asked one specific question
-how do you become a vampire? Or how did vampires came to be?- was the question, Darryl seemed to tense up at this.
-well... I don't know who or how the first vampire came to be... but... for us modern vampire it's like some sort of disease we can't get rid off... believe it or not but we were all humans once... until we fell ill, during that time our fangs grew and it hurt like hell, our mind also changed... we can't eat or drink anything else than blood because our throat closes when we try to swallow normal food and if we somehow manage to do that we just throw it up...- Darryl said.

Wilbur was shocked at this new and tragic discovery, he felt sick, he felt bad for all vampires.

Eret noticed that both Darryl and Wilbur were looking uncomfortable so he decided to end the research for today. He and Wilbur waved a goodbye to their vampire friend and left the room. Bith went to their own seperate offices.

Eret swore that after this research was over that he had someone to punch in the face so hard that his eyeballs fell out. And it was none other than Schlatt himself.


This took too long to write  mainly cuz i had to code that dang ending--

Anyways, who wants to punch Schlatt?

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