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Eret had to act quickly. He went back to the forest where he discovered the secret meeting of the three people. He looked at the entrance of the cave and saw Dave and Phil leaving, seems like luck was on his side then. After the two humans left and only vampire stood at the entrance he decided to show himself.

-hello dear vampire-he said in a kind voice, the said vampire turned around in panic, pure fear on his face
-a-are you here to kill me? Was this a trap all along?-he muttered under his breath as he backed into a wall of the cave, he slid down so he was sitting, he brought his knees to the chest as he trembled in fear.

Eret sighed, he really felt guilty about this, but he had no choice, did he?
-listen... it's complicated and neither Dave or Phil know about this, they're innocent... so don't blame them for this... I... I'm part of the vampire research centre... and I kinda snuck here and watched you guys meet up... I thought I could keep this to myself but... he knows... I couldn't hide it... I'm sorry...-he broke down crying as he dropped to his knees and covered his face with his hands, crying.

Darryl looked at Eret with guilt, he stood up and walked to the other and hugged him
-don't cry you muffin... just tell me, what do you need?-he smiled brightly. Eret felt even more guilty, if only he hadn't been here when the three met up none of this would br happening.

-I need you to come to the research facility and let me do research on you... that's all... I promise when all this is over you will be returned to the forest... I won't break this promise no matter what cost...-Eret said standing up. Darryl seemed unsure but sighed and stood up.
-I promise to help you with that-the brunette smiled. They bith walked to the village and then to the research centre, the trip was uneventful, quiet, too quiet.

After they reached their destination they were met with guards at the entrance, they captured Darryl and handcuffed him and put a cloth over his mouth, probably so he couldn't bite anyone. The guards were rather agressive. Eret didn't want to watch the scene but he had no choice. Then Schlatt came to him after they escorted Darryl to the cage.
-job well done, maybe after this you'll get a promotion!- he said in his fake cheerful tone
-Only if the research won't dissapoint me- he dangerously whispered into Eret's ear and walked away.

Eret walked to his office and locked the door. He sat on the chair and started crying, he was so guilty. Guess it was yet another sleepless night for him.


Hello ladies and gentlemen!

I am letting you choose the ending for this story! But that doesn't mean we are close to ending it, neither does it mean we are far from the end! It all depends!


A. (B.C)

B. (K.M)

C. (D.D)

D. (E.S)

i wonder what they mean~

Taste for Blood (Techhalo & Feret)Where stories live. Discover now