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Dave and Phil returned to the spot they once again agreed to meet in, Phil had prepared some more questions that he could ask, heck even brought cards to play and keep them entertained. They sat with their backs to the cold stone and waited. The silence was piteraly killing them as they continued on waiting.

Dave groaned as he stood up annoyed
-he is supposed to be here already!-he said pacing back and forth near the enterance. Phil looked worriedly at his friend and then at the forest, he stood up.
-maybe he is busy at the village?-Phil suggested trying not to sound worried and worry his friend even more. Phil didn't expect this to work and it didn't so he just let Dave pace around with worry written all over his face. Phil sat back down. Love can make people show what they would hide forever, can it?


Clay decided that he needed to find Darryl right now, he couldn't wait, now when his friend's... no... his family's life might be in danger, he couldn't lose anything that he held close yet again, he needed to find him, now.

He ran through the forest and it had started to rain already, adding to the thihs that went bad today, but despite the cold and the fact that his clothes were now wet he didn't stop. He promised himself he would never fail, he needs to keep everyone's smiles, he couldn't fail yet again.

While lost in thought Clay had spotted something in the distance, a silhouette of a person. He recognized it instantly, it was Technoblade, the best vampire hunter the world had ever seen. But what was he doing here? He also spotted his most trusted friend deep in the cave, away from the rain and the cold, Philza. Clay stopped in his tracks and hid behind a tree, bow in hand and a dagger safely sheathed, ready to be taken out and used to kill if needed. Clay took a deep breath and jumped at Technoblade.


Phil had closed his eyes only for a second, one. Second. And Dave was attacked by a vampire, usualy it wouldn't be a problem, but they didn't bring any kind of weapon. Phil quickly stood up and had a closer look at the vampire, he remembered Darryl' descriptions, it was Clay, the best of the fighters they had. He had to do something, quick.

Phil grabbed a decently sized rock and charged at the the vampire hitting him in the head with the solid big ass rock. Clay was thrown a bit away from them onto the cold and wet ground, holding his head at the spot where Phil had hit him and groaning in pain, he seemed to be in a bit of a shock which gave Phil the opportunity to grab the dropped dagger the vampire tried to use to stab Dave.

Dave had already stood up and readied his fists, i mean you gotta fight with what you have.

Clay had got up from the ground, dizzy, i mean if you got punched with a rock and yeeted across you would be dizzy too.
-where... the fuck is... Darryl-Clay managed to say in a hoarse in weak voice, which even in his state sounded intimidating. Dave and Phil were left speechless at this statement.

-wait, so he isn't in your vampire village?-Phil asked confused, lowering the dagger so he seemed like he wasn't going to harm the vampire.
-he isn't... and i pressume you don't know... where he is either?-Clay asked, straighteninghis posture so he looked even more intimidating. But the only think that wasn't intimidating about the vampire was the smiley mask he wore to cover his face.

-we don't... we've been waiting here for him, since we agreed to meet here again-Dave said, now in his usual monotone voice that held no emotion at all.
-well... since we are kind of trying to achieve the same thing we should work together?- Phil asked unsure as he looked between Clay and Dave
-fine...- the vampire said.


Dave looked at the vampire, their new teammate in this mission to solve the mystery behind Darryl's dissapearance.

But... He knew that voice from somewhere... sometime long ago...

Taste for Blood (Techhalo & Feret)Where stories live. Discover now