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While usualy Dave enjoyed his daily duties today was different, he wanted the day to end quickly, he was impatient, even exicted for his meeting with Darryl. But why was he feeling like that? The brunette was only a damn, ruthless blood sucker, right? He tried to push all of these thoughts aside and focus on the work that had to be done, patroling the forest. The patrol was uneventful, as always. That was until they encountered a hooded figure.

The person was wearing a green cape with a hood covering most of it's features, the person was also wearing black trousers from what Dave could see, but the thing that caught his attention was a white mask covering the person's face. Soon after the hooded figure noticed the hunters coming near it jumped on a tree, it had reflexes of a vampire, that could mean only one thing. They were dealing with one of the blood suckers.

The hunters tried to follow the unnamed masked vampire and kill it, but life said: fuck you, no luck for you. And so they lost the vampire, life do be liking to kick your ass, doesn't it?

Usualy Dave would have been annoyed by this fact, but after the encounter with Darryl he just didn't know what to think about vampires anymore, did they deserve all the hate they got? Sighing he ordered all hunters to return to the village for now.

On the way back he and Phil were at the very back of the group, silently walking side by side. The sun was already setting, leaving the once clear blue sky burning with colors of pink and orange. After they returned he and Phil decided to pack some things, like bandages, just in case. They wouldn't get attacked, right? Dave shook his head, Darryl would never attack them, he thought as he remembered the situation in the morning, when the vampire even apologized for the sudden attack.

He and Phil walked out into the forest after the moon was already shining brightly, slightly illuminating the forest. They walked until they reached the cave where Dave last saw the vampire. He sighed and sat down at the enterance.
-you might wanna sit, we don't know how long we might have to wait-Dave said, patting the ground next to him, beckoning Phil to sit down. Deciding he had nothing better to do Phil sat down.

Thy were sitting in compelete peace, surrounded by the quiet rustling of the leaves. That was until they heard something in the bushes. Phil was about to grab his sword anf stand up, but Dave stopped him. The taller himself stood up, leaving his weapon behind, he walked to the bushes.

Once he was close enough he saw Darryl standing in the safe shadows, he seemed scared. Dave kinda understood why, he didn't mention bringing anyone with him.
-hey, it's fine! Phil won't hurt you-he said softly to the vampire. The brunette still looked unsure, but nodded nonetheless. Dave returned to the enterance of the cave.

He watched as Darryl anxiously walks out of the safe sanctuary of the shadows and the forest into the clearing. He was taking small steps, as if expecting some kind of trap to be placed somewhere. Dave then looked at Phil, who, as expected was a bit surprised that Dave didn't go crazy or something, about the story about a friendly vampire.

Phil slowly stood up to not scare the brunette away, but the vampire flinched either way and took a step back
-uhh.. h-hi?-Phil said unsure. Dave found his friend's reaction a but hilarious
-hi...- the vampire replied with a soft and quiet voice that coulf have been mistaken for a whisper if it were to be slightly more quiet. Phil smilef kindly at the vampire, Darryl took this as a message saying 'don't worry i'm friendly' and calmed down and returned the smile. The brunette walkef closer to the two

-i didn't know you would bring someone with you...-Darryl said
-well... that kinda wasn't intended... but it happened-Dave replied. Darryl giggled at that response. Phil could catch a glipse of the sharp fangs in the brunette's mouth.

-hey, I don't mean to interrupt or anything... just umm... since, you know we don't get to see vampires up close so much... i mean vampires that don't try to kill us on sight or run away... mind if i... uhh... you know... take a closer look at your fangs?-Phil said akwardly

Dave laughed at this
-isn't wilbur supposed to be a vampire fanatic?-he said. And Phil just punched him in the arm.
-I-I don't mind...-Darryl said, making Dave stop laughing. The taller looked at his friend
-but also, believe me, you don't wanna get bit, hurts like hell-Dave said. Darryl seemed a bit saddened by this sentence.

Phil walked a bit closer to the brunette, the vampire opened his mouth, revealing sharp fangs, longer than all the other teeth. Phil was honestly fascinated, not only by how sharp they were but how everything elseabout vampires seemed so human-like. Maybe they weren't so different after all. Phil decided to touch the pointy fangs.
-i always wondered what does it feel to get bitten by a vampire...-he admited. Darryl closed his mouth after Phil 'examined' him

-i promise that's the last request... could you bite me?-Phil said. Darryl just stood there, shocked.
-I-I'm... I'm not hungry... sorry-he replied, turning away.
-that's fine! Maybe some other time? Why don't we enjoy the night for now?-Phil suggested. Darryl excitedly nodded and followed the two into the cave.

Little did they know, they were being watched from the shadowy sanctuary of the forest.


Ayyyy, another chapter... i mean... i think you guys know where i'm going with this.

Also if there are any mistakes/errors please point them out so i can fix them! Thank you!

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