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-no, I'm not...- Cla-... Dream replied
-then why did you join in with the vampires?- Dave esked, way too shocjed to process the information he just received. Phile just stood up and walked to the two, wanting to be oart of the conversation.

-do you really want to know?- Dream said. The two only nodded. Dream motioned for them to take a seat and he did so too.


It was midnight, meaning it was Dream's turn to patrol the forest. He took his bow and throwing daggers and a sword as his final option. He walked through the dark and silent forest. Listening to any sound around him. The night was calm until he heard something big fall nearby. He took out his bow and went to investigate. He saw someone holding his head and rubbing the spot he probably hit. Dream knew it couldn't be a villager, nobody dared to come into the forest. It had to be a vampire.

He approached the hurt vampire and pointed his bow at him.
-don't try anything, if you do i'll make sure that your death will be as painful as possible.-he threatened, at which the vampire stiffened. He could see that the vampire had white goggles covering his eyes and brown hair. The vampire was shivering and whimpering

-c-could you please... just spare me?... only once dear hunter... i am starving... please... i'm sorry...- the vampire whimpered as he curled up, scared and awaiting death. Dream lowered his bow. He couldn't kill a vampire... it was going to be his first kill, why couldn't he do it?!

-go...- was all Dream could say.

Dream returned to the village and started thinking about the encounter. He had decided to become one of them... if the village knew about the fact he spared a vampure he would be killed. Starting a new life as a vampire wouldn't be difficult. Dream started making a clay mask to hide his face and his short fangs from any other vampire. The blood suckers weren't as bad as humans. He decided to be one of them. He wanted to be one of them. He had to be one of them.

He met a few vampires in the forest. He made the village where all vampires could feel safe. He became Clay, the unbeatable vampire. The protector. The only human in the village. The only human that sided with thr vampires


Alright, this one's short and i'm tired, but it's just calm before the final battle and me having a drink made out of your tears.

Taste for Blood (Techhalo & Feret)Where stories live. Discover now