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Dave walked into the village, greeted by the confused guards. He ignored the stares of the rest of vampire hunters and continued walking to his house. His mind was filled with images of the sweet vampire he just met. Wait, did he really just think that?! He shook his head to clear his thoughs. He entered his house and plopped down on a couch near the window. His back ached from sleeping in the uncomfortable position in the cave.

He heard someone knock on his door
-come in- he said, sitting up. The door opened and revealed one of his friends standing there, Phil.
-hey Phil- Dave said waving his hand at his friend, he really sounded tired, didn't he?
-hey Dave, you've been gone the whole night, did anything happen? Did you get attacked or something? Or did you go kill vampire on your own yet again?- Phil asked, walking in and closing the door behind him
-kind of- Dave replied as he scratched the back of his head.

-alright now that's suspicious behaviour i see- Phil said, walking closer to Dave
-mind telling me what really happened?-he asked
-if only i knew what happened myself i would explain it to you... but i am questioning my own actions too-Dave replied while laying back down with a sigh. Phil chuckled at his friend's reply
-I'm not kidding...-the taller said once again. That seemed to shut Phil up for a second.

Phil cleared his throat and grabbed a chair and put it closer to where Dace was and sat on it
-I'm guessing it's quite a long story so I'm prepared to hear you out-he said. Dave sighed and began explaining his amazing midnight story
-so, I was walking around the forest at midnight, you know, the usual daily routine. And then i heard a sound, it sounded like someone was hurt so I thought that someone went to the forest and got attacked by a wolf or something... boy was I wrong... it was an injured vampire... I really don't know ehat i was thinking when i helped him... but... something about him was different than all the other vampires... his emerald eyes... his brown hair... his innocent looking face...-Dave started telling a detailed description of the vampire, but then he stopped and looked at Phil who seemed to be surprised, but there was something about that smirk on his face that didn't quite fit that emotion.

-did you fall in love with a vampire?-Phil broke the akward silence. Dave immiedietly sat up
-nonononono... you got it all wrong!-he tried to defend himself, but no luck with that either.
-it's crystal clear... you are in love! The great and mighty Technoblade had fallen for his sworn enemy - a vampire!- Phil said, sounding dramatic as heck.

Dave just grabbed a blanket and covered himself in it and burried himself into the sofa, hiding from the world and his friend. Meanwhile Phil was laughing his ass off.

After a while Phil stopped laughing and Dave uncovered himself yet again  glaring at the other.
-love isn't something to be ashamed of... but given the circumstance it is quite difficult... also do you think you will meet this vampire again?-he asked, curious.
-we decided to meet up again... today... at midnight...-Dave replied, avoiding eye contact.

-should we tell Wilbur? I mean he is a fucking vampire fanatic! He wants to study those bastards! But then again he never got the chance to as all of them are agressive. Also, Eret, the second in command of the vampire research team, he would be way too interested in this if this information was to ever get out- Phil said. All of it was true, humans were trying to do research on vampires to find the most effective ways of destroying them. But the thought of Darryl ever being in the hands of researchers was enough to send a shiver down Dave's spine.

Dave sighed
-do you want to came meet this vampire with me? I mean... so you could tell if his intentions are truly what they seem to be... you're the best at detecting lies out of all of us- he said. Phil nodded
-it would be a pleasure! But you have duties, don't you? Get going you lazy ass- Phil said, getting up and walking out. Dave slightly smiled to himself as he himself stood up and went out. Work never waits.


Hello, sorry school is hell so I had no time and yes' it's a short chaper, again sorry.

Also, what do you think might happen? Will the truth get out? Will something happen?

Also thank you for 100 views! Love you guys!

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