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Clay paced by the border of the village he protects with his life, waiting for Darryl to come back. He was getting anxious, worried and angry at the same time. George noticed his friend's behaviour and walked up to him

-Clay are you alright?-he asked putting his hand on the younger's shoulder.
-of course i'm not! Darryl was supposed to come back already! If only I hadn't let him meet this damn mortal again...-he said furiously
-whoa... calm down- Nick walked out of the bushed from behind them
-I'm sure he will come back soon, it's not like something had happened, maybe he is staying until morning again? Relax Clay- George said.
-we should return to the village, besides you can try and find him tomorrow morning-Nick said, walking towards the village.

Clay sighed and followed him, George walking right behind him. They reached the village, seeing all the vampires here, happy, safe, free is making him smile even if nobody can see his face, hidden by the mask he wears to his what they can't know, what he can't afford letting them know.

Seeing all the happy vampires here is making him feel truly happy yet again, but one is missing and if something happens to him he would blame only himself for letting him go, he is supposed to protect everyone here, yet, here he is, worrying about one of them, one that he doesn't know where is, if he's safe. It's making him paranoid. Should he sleep out the rest of the night or should he stay until morning to find him?

Clay was lost in thought as Zak approached him from behind
-yo! How's it going Clay? Where's Darryl by the way? I have something cool to show him!- he said with his usual, annoying voice. Clay sighed
-i let him go meet a mortal...- he felt so guilty about it that he couldn't even turn his head to look the other in the eye.
-oh... wait... Why did you do that?!-Zak ran in front of Clay and grabbed him by the colar of his shirt, baring his fangs at the older. Clay felt so guilty right now
-he asked me to... he said that the mortal wouldn't hurt him... he said that it was the mortal that helped him last night!- Clay said in his defence. Zak let him go and storme off into his house.

Clay decided to sleep the night off and wake up early to search for the lost brunette, hr can't afford to fail this. Not again.


Yes i know this one's short but it's kind of a filler chapter for when more serious stuff begins.

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