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Eret walked through the blank white corridors, his expression compeletly blank, not that you could see much behind his dark glasses. He held report papers in one had as he walked to Schlatt's office to hand him the report about the research he had been dping for the past few days. He hoped to release Darryl even today if he had a chance, the poor vampire had went through much but he didn't show any signs of distress or didn't panic. You can't even imagine how guilty Eret currently was and how tired he was, he had been doing everything he could to speed up the research to release Darryl as soon as he could. From what he had counted he finished six days earlier than he would have normaly.

Eret walked into Schlatt's office, he noticed that the other wasn't there and he knew that today was the day his 'boss' would be visiting the king for the weekly report. He just put the papers on the desk, somewhere where Schlatt would notice them easily and then walked out. It was currently midle of the day so releasing Darryl wasn't an option. Deciding to take his mind off of all the stressful stuff, he walked into the forest. After getting to know a vampire the forest was the only sanctuary he could think of. Place of which normal folks would never dream of going near was the only sanctuary Eret knew and wanted. The only place that could provide him total peace.

Eret wandered around the forest, stopping by some small flower fields and admiring all the colors of the many different flowers. But as all things come to an end the moment of peace just had to be yeeted outta the door as soon as Eret heard something behind him in the bushes. He glanced behind him, but before he could fully turn his head something jumped at him from the bushes and pinned him to the ground, making him unable to move. He could feel some sort of claws dig into his arm as the person on top of it restrained him from any form of movement.

Eret couldn't move, let alone look at who was pinning him down.
-don't move, damn mortal, and don't even think of calling for help, I'll slice your throat if you do- the person on top of him said, he couldn't recognize the voice, it couldn't be Techno or Phil, the only two that went missing four days ago. Eret had suspicions that the two went and teamed with vampires to take Darryl back. Speaking of vampires, Eret was sure that the person on top of him was one of them.

The vampire was pushing Eret so hard to the ground his lungs were being restrained and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. Eret's vision blurred and black spots made themselves at home on the edges. He could hear the person on top of him talking but he couldn't catch any words, he was taking sharp and quick breaths but to no vail. Eret could feel the vampire get off of him and turn him so he laid on his side. And before the conciousness slipped compeletly from him he was able to breath fine and his lungs were finaly getting enough air for him to maintain concious.

-you humans are so fragile...- the vampire said from above Eret. He looked at his attacker and his eyes widened. He didn't think he'll ever see those orange and brown tufts of hair that looked like fox ears. The sharp crimson red eyes and the pale skin. He missed them so much.

-Floris?- Eret managed to choke out after fully regaining his conciousness.
-do i... do i know you?- the vampire asked confused. Eret was shocked, but of course, how could you remember someone after being gone for twelve years...

Eret managed to sit up, Floris ready to attack him if needed to.
-don't worry... I wouldn't dream of fighting back... I'm not much of a fighter... but if my battle would decide of someone's life I would fight it even if I die- Eret said, smiling at his old childhood friend. It was the phrase he loved to say everytime Floris challanged him to a wooden sword duel.

-you're lucky that I'm in a good mood, mortal. Now answer my question, where the fuck is Darryl?- Floris said, baring his fangs at Eret.
-in the vampire research centre... I was planning on releasing him today... so no vampire needs to come, I am on your side. It may not seem like I'm telling the truth but not all humans are the same, just like not all vampires are vlood thirsty monsters that kill for fun. Please, trust me one time. If i fail I will sacrifice myself to be vampire food for the rest of my life. If I succesfully bring Darryl back to you, all I want in return is happines for the two of my friends that are with you... and for you to bring a third one along.

Floris seemed to think about it for a while, noticing the sun was setting he agreed to the deal and ran deep into the forest. Eret sighed. It was a pained sigh, full of sadness, he was glad he saw Floris again, but why did his chest hurt so much? He knew that even if he found him there was no chance he would remember him... but... he was heartbroken.

Eret was slowly returning to the research centre. He needed to release Darryl now. Let him return safely and let Wilbur run away from this hell. His plan was simple. Nothing could go wrong.


I am back from short writers block with new chapter and new book.

Here is the section for your theories on what might happen next:


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