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Dave and Phil followed Clay deeper into the forest, the vampire was taking them to the village so they could get some more help. Both of them didn't have a weapon so they didn't really know if they were going to come out alive. That thought didn't scare Dave, what scared him more was the thought that something might have happened to Darryl.

They entered the village and two other vampires had come to them and pointed their weapons at the two humans, baring their teeth, looking intimidating, at least trying to, the one with goggles over his eyes didn't look intimidating at all.

Phil and Dave put their hands up, they meant no harm. The two didn't put their weapons down until Clay told them to. The three vampires walked a bit away from them and talked eith shushed voices.

The two looked around their surroundings, the village looked like any normal village would, a small wooden wall surrounding it for protection, inside houses of various shapes and sized and watchtowers.

Clay came back to the two humans who were admiring the village without moving from their safe spot. The two other vampires went somewhere, probably to explain what was happening to the other inhabitants of the village. Clay told them to follow him again, this time they walked into a medium sized building with flowers surrounding it. It looked like a peaceful place.

They walked in and Clay told them to take a seat at the table, meanwhile he himself went outside to gather some tea leaves for his guests. He returned and started making tea, it looked like he knew how to do this, which made Dave curious, vampires couldn't drink or eat anything else than blood, right? So why could that one vampire have so much experience with making tea? And why was there a whole farm full of cows? Dave needed answers, he needed so many answers, he wanted to ask so many questions.

Clay came back with their tea, he put the two cups in front of them, but Dave noticed that there was a poorly hidden third cup behind a little box on the counter. Clay sat down and looked at them, probably. It was hard to tell with the mask covering the vampire's face.

-i can see you want to say something, go right ahead- Clay broke the awkward silence that was surrounding them.
-I... alright... do you mind answering a few questions?-Dave asked, he didn't want to be too impolite, even thou he was like that all the time. Clay only nodded and gestured him to go right ahead.

-vampires can't drink or eat anything else than blood, right? Then why do you have a cow farm?- Dave asked. Phil just sat there quitely, listening to the conversation.
-we don't neccesarily drink human blood, we can drink animal blood too- Clay answered, but Dave noticed the uneasiness in his voice.
-how do you know how to make tea? And you didn't mees it up, it seems like you had a lot of practice doing so, which means you made the tea often. And for whom is the third cup hidden on the counter may i ask?- I asked. Clay decided to stay quiet, he clenched his fists. Dave knew he was getting onto him, he knew he was getting closer to discovering something. Phil whispered to him that he should stop, but he couldn't.

-and why does your voice sound familiar to me?- He asked his last question.

Clay remained silent, but the tension in the air grew even more as Clay was radiating with angry aura. Dave could only guess that he was glaring at him under his mask.

-that is none of your business...- Clay said, most likely gritting his teeth, judging from how that sounded. Phil was panicking at this point.

Dave stood up and walked to Clay. The vampire also stood up, ready to defend himself. Dave quickly reached for his mask and yanked it off of his face before the vampire could react. Dave was shocked.

Before him stood a person he knew very well, Dream. His old hunt parter, his friend. He couldn't believe it. He looked closely at the features and the emerald green eyes, freckles and the signature dirty blonde hair confirmed it. It was Dream. Dream looked away.

-so you're one of them now, huh? I guess your hunting skills are a blessing to them?- Dave asked, playfuly punching Dream in the arm. The other only turned to look at him, baring his fangs... wait... those weren't the long fangs vampires bore, but normal human ones.

-you're.... you're not a vampire?- Dave could only quietly say while Dream glared at him.

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