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Changing the POV a bit!

Eret walked through the empty halls of the research centre, looking for something that could cure his boredom. He stumbled upon Wilbur during his search. They chatted for a while, Eret not daring to speak of one of his discoveries. After their small talk Wilbur decided to go to the forest and Eret decided to tag along, who knows, maybe they'll find a vampire?

-So, Eret?-Wilbur started as soon as they entered the forest. The other only hummed as if to say he was listening.
-do you think we could do actual research on a vampire? Like discover what's different between them and us... like... they don't seem THAT different, right?-Wilbur asked. Eret seemed lost in thought for a while before answering
-depends... you can't expect a vampire to cooporate with you during research...-Eret said
-you're right... but what if there's a chance that there's a vampire that would like to cooporate? That would make things much easier! We could even live in peace!-Wilbur said, pure excitement in his voice. Eret only smiled at the thought, that would be nice, wouldn't it?

They walked silently through the forest, trying to catch a glimpse of a vampire, trying to take notes that would be useful, two research partners on a hunt. A hunt for a dream of peace.


Eret entered the research centre and went straight to his office and put all his notes down on the desk, he sighed. This amazing new discovery of a friendly vamlire was enough to ignite the long lost hope in his heart. The hope of finaly doinh proper research, and he even found a vampire that could cooporate! He had to take this chance, for the first time in years he was truly happy, he truly believed that his project would be a success, that everyone could finaly live in peace.

Eret walked out of his office, the smile never leaving his face. He was stopped by someone as he was about to leave, he turned around and saw Schlatt, the research director
-what a wonderfull night it is, am i right, doctor Eret?-the director smiled, that mischievious smile he always wore, the smile that never left the director's face, the smile of pure evil.
-it truly is a wonderful night, director Schlatt... I was just heading home to rest...-Eret said, he didn't mean to sound nervous but he kinda did and Schlatt noticed it
-why so nervous dear?-he asked the researcher
-did you find anything interesting during one of your night trips?-he added to his question, an evil light could be seen in his eyes as his smile grew wider

-no... sadly i didn't...-Eret replied, but before he could add anything else he was pinned to a wall, hands wrapped around his neck, choking him
-I don't like liars, Eret, now tell me. Did. You. Find. Something.-he asked, in low, evil voice. Eret could only nod, panicked and scared for his life.
-that wasn't so hard, now was it?-Schlatt said cheerfully, dropping Eret to the ground, but he knew that this was all just an act.
-now tell me, what exactly did you find?-Schlatt knelt down next to Eret, what was scared as fuck.

-I.... I found a f-friendly vampire.... one that would cooporate during research...-Eret said, still trying to catch his breath from Schlatt's attack
-good, bring that vampire here by next week and begin your research, i will be waiting for the results-Schlatt said as he stood up and turned to leave, emitting an evil aura. Eret got up from the cold floor and looked where he last saw Schlatt. He had to bring the vampire here... his life depended on it, he'd have to apologize to Dave later.


And you all accused Eret of being evil, smh.

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