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He woke up on something soft, his throat dry and itchy, his vision a bit blurry and his whole body was aching. None of these things were as bad as the unknown hunger he never felt before. The need to eat... drink... kill. He sat up, his eyes scanning the room he was in. It seemed like he was in a small cottage somewhere in the woods, judging from thw view from the window. He tried to focus on the scenery and on figuring out where he is but he wasn't in control. All he could do was just wander from the soft and comfortable bed he laid on and walk is search for food, like a hungry beast he was.

He heard the door open and without thinking pinned the person to the ground. He bared his brand new fangs at the stranger, ready to strike. Before he decided to dig his fangs into the soft flesh of the human he looked at the person below him. Brown eyes, curly hair and a beanie on top of his head. Pure fear on his face. That person seemed familiar to him. He didn't care anymore, the hunger was too strong. He sunk his fangs deep into the neck of the human, earning a yelp of surprise and pain. He drank the blood, let the sweet taste fill his mouth.

The hunger slowly but surely dissapeard and he was back to being compeletly aware of his surroundings and being in control of his own body. He pulled hid fangs out of the human's neck. His teeth ached from having to pierce through skin and flesh, especially his fangs. Blood still dripped from him mouth onto the human's trench coat. He blinked a few times before realizing what was happening. He realized what he had done, he had bitten his friend Wilbur. But... why was he a vampire, how was he still alive.

He stood up and took a few steps back, away from Wilbur who was now sitting up, looking at him. He covered his mouth as he stared into his friend's brown eyes. Wilbur stood up and walked to him. He was expecting to be yelled at, stabbed or even killed. But none of that happened, he was embraced by the other.

-welcome back, Eret...-Wilbur said.

Fundy walked into the room and hugged Eret as well.

He was with his friends, alive, safe.

He was home


Darryl walked across the flower field near the village, few of the rare blue roses in hand as he stared at the sky above. This was it, the perfect happy ending they dreamed of. He turned around to face Dave, his first human friend in ages. They became best friends in a short time. Zak was always trying to compete against Dave whenever he could. Dave moved in with Darryl for the time being, the reason being the small amount of houses in the village. But he was happy he could get to know the former vampire hunter.

They both went back to the village. Watching as the walls to keep them safe were being built, and more humans wanting to join, Dave, Phil and Wilbur's friends from the village, other former vampire hunters and more. The true era of peace had begun.

Dave and Darryl entered their house, the older immiedietly starting baking muffins for the former vampire hunter. Dave loved the taste of them. What saddened him was the fact that Darryl would never taste them himself. Maybe one day it could be changed. Maybe the curse could be broken.

Dave looked out of the window, he watched as the wind played with a single leaf and carried it through the skies. The sounds of nature were his new music. The vampires his new family. His fate written in blood of those who he killed. Regret and pain breaking his heart. But the spirits of the ones who were doomed by his sword had written their forgiveness in the wind. The same wind that carried the leaf through the skies, playing with it, playong with their fate and future.

But the peace would not be broken
For it shall stay strong forever.

Like a mountain

Like the sea,
With the secrets untold
The story goes unnoticed
But maybe one day

You can discover the truth

What makes a monster
and what makes a man


That would be it for this story, but was it the truth, was it really what happened?

Or did the story lie?

(Also happy birthday to me, this story is finished as of November 11th)

If you enjoyed thsi story you might also check out my other two MCYT fanfictions or my original story Angel of Science

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