Chapter 11: Winter Break

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For the next month and a half, I avoid both Draco and Snape. I've stopped participating in class, and I've been on my best behavior. I spend most of my time after class practicing Quidditch, studying or doing homework, and hanging out with Percy. Percy's really worried about me. I want to talk to Draco again, but what he said really hurt. Our first Quidditch game happened; it went pretty good. Slytherin won! I'm a pretty good chaser, if I may say. Professor McGonagall keeps trying to check in with my mental health, but what can I say?  How does she expect me to be okay? I lost my mum and my best friend. I still have Blaise, and I love him and all, but we don't hang out like me and Draco do. Me and Draco used to spend all our time together. Blaise and I don't. Blaise and Draco are still friends; Blaise doesn't want to get in the middle of everything. I don't blame him; they've known each other for a long time. Though, as Blaise told me, that they were never really close before. They only talked because Blaise stayed with Draco's family while his Mum was away. Blaise mostly stays to himself these days. When Blaise and I hang out, we usually don't talk that much. But his company is still good. I have other friends too. Like Daisy and Theo. I never thought that Theo and I would become friends, honestly. But we did. He became my Draco. Draco and Theo are also friends; they are actually cousins. But Theo said that Draco is a git and that he doesn't deserve me. They don't talk much either. But they do sometimes. Even though Theo replaced Draco, I still miss Draco. I want to reconnect with him. He said that all of a sudden. It was so weird. Right after I got hurt. That must be why he's mad. After class, I grab his wrist and pull him into a closet. "What do you want?" He demands.

"I know why you stopped being my friend," I say. 

"You do?" He whispers, avoiding my eyes.

"Dray, I've stayed out of trouble for a whole month and a half now! I know you hated me getting in trouble. I'm sorry, I should have been more mindful of you and others," I apologize, crying. He scoffs. "Take that back right now. Damn Bells. I broke your heart and you're apologizing to me? It's me who should apologize to you. I promise that's not why. It is best that we don't be friends still."

"No. You might have given up on me. You may hate me. But I will always love you Draco. You're my best friend. It's been hard without you. I don't want to live a life without you. I hate it. Nothing's the same. I'm not giving up on you. I'll follow you for the rest of my life. I'll keep trying until you're forced to love me back," I say, forcing him into a hug.

"Bells, don't you get it? I do love you. Too much. More than you know. I'm staying away because I'm dangerous for you. My family is too dangerous for you!" He says, slightly yelling. 

"Draco Malfoy. How dare you? Everything is too dangerous for me. I'm trouble-prone. Don't you get it? I'll get in trouble with or without you in my life. I want you in my life. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here right now. Please come back," I beg, crying. He hugs me and goes. I run-up to my dorm. I see an owl. I open up the letter.

Hello Bella Rae!

This is Narcissa, Draco's Mum. I wanted to invite you over to our manor for Winter Break if you're not busy! I've heard so many good things about you from my son! He looks up to you, even if he won't admit it. He talks about you every single time he talks to me. Me and my husband, Lucius, would love to get to know you!

Please let me know,


I write back, accepting her offer. It's finally the last day of school, and classes are done. I pack my stuff and go by Draco. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Your mum invited me. I'm coming with you. We'll see if you can stop being my friend now," I say, smirking. He scoffs. I see his parents. His mum looks just like him. Or, rather, he looks just like her.

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