Chapter 19: Christmas

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"Bella, wake- you're already awake?"

"Uh, just woke up." I've been using the dreamless sleep potion but I just ran out today so I didn't sleep. "Oh. okay. It's the first day of break!"

"You're so energetic, Dray." I groan but get out of bed. The floor feels cold and I realize I am too because I'm shivering. Dray covers me with a blanket. "thankssss." He nods and goes. I get out a paper and quill. I have some people to write to.

Hi Narcissa!

Happy Christmas! How are you and Lucius doing? I am so sorry that I wasn't able to make it there this year, but the nightmares are back and I want to spend my break with my Dad. Do you and Lucius have any plans together? Attached is a bracelet I made you. Consider it a Christmas present. I've also attached one for Lucius except it's a mug with pictures that I have from our time together. Don't worry, it's unbreakable. 

With all my love,

Bella Evans XX

 One down, three to go.

Hi, Hunt

How's break going? There is barely anyone here. The castle feels so empty. What are you guys going to do? Any plans? I miss you already. I thought you might want to know that Harry and I got back together. I don't know if it will last, but hopefully. We'll see, I guess. Anyways, that's all. Owl me back! Also, how are your parents doing?



Last one.


How are you? I'm sorry that I am unable to spend break with you and Narcissa. But there's still Summer vacation. Dray's doing good. I don't think he's been owling you or Narcissa. Don't take it personal, I think a lot's been on his mind recently. I sent your present with Narcissa. I hope you enjoy it! 

Love, Bella X

I give Whoo-dini a treat and send him off. I change in my room. I put on some sweatpants and a sports bra, with a small crop top on top. I put on a chain choker and I actually put on some makeup; black theme. I go out. Dray looks at me up and down and scoffs. "Change."

"What? No. What, is it bothering you? Am I distracting you, Malfoy?" He blushes but looks angry. I chuckle and come closer to him, purposefully taking all his personal space. "Now am I distracting you?"

"Wha- no. You just-"

"Exactly." I smile and walk out to find my Dad. I don't think he'll appreciate this fit. I go down to the dungeons, and surprise, he's there. "Hey, Dad." He looks at me just like Malfoy did without the blush and just with pure anger. "Bella. Go change."


"I don't trust these boys."

"Dad. I can defend myself, you know that." I laugh and hug him. Dad feels cold.

"Bells. You feel cold. Why?" I feel myself. I don't know either. I always used to be so warm.

"You're my Dad, that's why." He sighs.

"You couldn't have taken some of your Mothers genes?"

"I took her eyes, didn't I?"

"Thank God for that." My eyes are the only part of me that I like. Well, my hair's pretty okay too, but it's boring. I know my Dad wishes I were less like him. Sometimes I wish that too, but I used to wish that more. I wish I got my Mum's hair. It's so beautiful and healthy. "Will you watch a detention for me?" I groan.

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