Chapter 35: The Meeting

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"You've made the-"

"Yes I did, Bells. I had to."

"What about?"

"If Draco doesn't fulfill his task, I'll do it myself." Dad looks at me solemnly. Why does everything have to be so complicated now? "The Dark Lord requests your presence."


"You don't have to. I know you want to fight. But this is where we part ways for now. I'm proud of you, Bells. Go kick some ass."

"I will. But I need to talk to him."

"You sure?"



Here I am. At the Malfoy Manor. I'm nervous about the task I'm about to do. I never thought I'd be back here again. I look at my appearance. My skin is pale and cold. My hair is in a braid. It's long, until my waist. My eyes look emotionless. My face has scars. I hate it. But I've got to deal with it. Someone puts their hand on my shoulder. "Don't screw this up, okay?" It's Lucius, "he won't give you another chance." I nod.

"I'm sorry, Lucius. But we're on opposing sides of this war." He nods.

"I know. He'll kill you. I still consider you a daughter. Join your family- and mines."

"I'd love to. But I can't."

"Sad. You may go see him now." I walk. My legs are weak. I open the door. There he is, on the throne. And here I am. "Bow down to me." I do. People look surprised, especially my Dad. Lucius is behind me. "Come closer." I do. "Good girl." I look around. My Dad's face is even paler. He's afraid I'll say something wrong. Dray stands by his Mother. I know he's scared for me. I can feel Lucius's fear as well. "My Lord."

"Huh. Continue."

"I've come today, to join you." I look at my Dad. He looks at me and mouths, "what are you doing?"

"And why should I believe you?"

"I was a very stupid girl, my lord. I hope you understand that I've been under the false impression that I should fight my whole life. I've fought my whole life that I didn't know when to stop fighting. This is the point when I stop fighting if you'll allow me. You once told me that you are very forgiving. Please, I know I don't deserve it, but let me serve you. Nothing would please me more."

"How can you help us?"

I take a deep breath. "I've used the killing curse on a full-grown man with his wand when I was 12. I've used the Cruciatus curse on his daughter when I was 12 too. I never give up. I'm loyal. I was loyal to the good side until now. I have everything and everyone at stake. My family is on this side."

"Who's your family, exactly?"

"My father, Severus Snape. My best friend, Draco Malfoy. My surrogate mother, Narcissa. My second father, Lucius. They've basically taken me in since I was 12. Draco has always been there for me. It's time I repay them and you back."

"Very well, then. Come here." I come closer. He marks me. It hurts a lot. "You are excused. I will call you when the time is right." I bow and go. Lucius puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You did the right thing."

"I know."


We're back in school. It feels weird being back, knowing that I am a traitor. My Dad hasn't spoken to me since. I know he's afraid for me. But either way, it's dangerous, right? I can feel the dark mark on my skin. Another mark for me to hate myself. Great. Dray sits next to me on the train. So do Blaise and Daph. But they don't know that this friend group has just changed forever. Everyone knows the Dark Lord is back now. They know I wasn't lying. Dray's hiding something from me. I know he is. "Dray?" He turns back and kisses me. Blaise and Daph stare.

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