Chapter 20: What Happened

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I wake up in the middle of the night. I shiver; I feel like someone's watching me. I look around. Everyone's asleep. I see a shadow. I get up, but I feel someones' hand on my throat. I can't breathe. I try to see who it is, but all I can see is a figure. "We meet again." Pansy. It's Pansy. She lets go of my throat. "What are you doing here?" I ask weakly. My throat hurts.

"You'll see. Imperio." I feel a sudden calm envelop me. All my worries are gone. I no longer feel any stress in any part of my body. It's like it got rid of everything. She tosses me a knife. My hand grabs it and starts cutting my hands and my stomach. It hurts so bad but I can't stop. I can't scream either. "It was nice knowing you. How's it feel knowing everyone will think that you committed suicide? They'll never find out." I want to tell her to go to hell, but the words don't come out of my mouth. I finally blackout.


I open my eyes. No one's here. All I see is the ceiling. It's hard to remember why I'm here. How did I get here? I sharply get up. OW. I look down. My torso area and hands and legs have cuts in them. They aren't bleeding but they still hurt.  How did I get this? Am I dead? Where's Finn? Where is he? I need to get up. I lift my self, using my hands, and turn my boy sideways, so that my legs are off of the bed. My arms hurt so much, but I've got to see where I am. Am I alive? I feel like I am, but no one's here. I slowly get up. OW. OW. OW. Every step hurts. How am I going to do this? I don't think I'm alive anymore. If I was, then I don't think I'd be able to do this. I slowly open the door. I don't see anyone in the hallway. This looks like Hogwarts. I walk to Dumbledore's office and open it. He and Professor McGonagall are here. She shrieks, yelling for me to sit down. "How?" Tears fill up my eyes. How could they be dead? Dad comes, tears filling his eyes. I can't help but to cry. He picks me up and takes me back to the hospital wing. Why? How? This can't be happening. "How?"

"Sweetie, rest."

"How did you die?" tears are running down my face, and my eyes hurt from crying. 

"You think I died?"

"How else would you be here?"

"Bells, you're not dead."

"I'm not?" He wipes away my tears.

"You aren't."

"How long was I out for?"

"Two months." Two whole months?

"Bells, what were you thinking?" Dad asks. I frown at him.

"For hurting yourself. We thought we lost you. I told you that-"

"I didn't hurt myself. I didn't."

He breathes out sharply. "If you didn't then what happened?"

"I don't know. But I know I didn't hurt myself. I can feel it."

"I'm not mad, Bells."

"I didn't hurt myself." I start crying again. Dad just comforts me. The door opens wide, and my friends come in here; Dray, Blaise, Daphne, Percy. "I didn't. I didn't do it. I promise." They tell me to shut up and hug me. Why does everyone think I did it? After a while, Dad goes. They are quiet.


"I didn't do it. I didn't hurt myself."

"YES, YOU DID. I FOUND YOU LAYING THERE, LIFELESS. WITH A KNIFE, BELLA. A KNIFE!" Dray yells. "Draco!" Daphne says and runs her hands through my hair. I'm shaking my head no. I couldn't have, could I? A month passes. I feel a little better now. One thought runs through my mind; how did I get here? Daphne, Blaise, and Dad visit me every single day. Theo visits me at least once a week. Dray visits me sometimes, but I know he's mad at me. None of them believe me, and that kind of makes me feel sad. I know I didn't do it. I don't know how, but I do. I don't remember that night. The last thing I remember is talking to Dray. After that, I don't remember anything. Last year this time someone tried to kill me. This year everyone thinks I killed myself. 

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