Chapter 31: First Day of 4th Year

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We're back in our classes now. Voldemort hasn't contacted me again. I wonder how long that will last. I'm in astronomy right now. I hate this class. "Miss Snape. I understand you've had an interesting day yesterday. But, let's focus, okay? You are only a child, anyways." My face heats up. How dare she talk to me like that? "Why do you hate me so much, huh? What did I do to you? Nothing." She doesn't reply and I storm out. I can not believe that woman. I go to the dungeons. My father's in the middle of a class with the first years, but I don't care. "Bella, what are you doing here?"

I shrug, "I dunno. Need any help?" He nods and I spend the period grading homework assignments. The first years look a little confused because my Dad is not the most inviting person ever. He steps out of class for a moment. "Who are you?" A girl asks. I still look like him, but I'm taller and my hair is curlier and not as stringy now. Before it would have been obvious, but now it isn't I guess. "I'm Bella Rae Snape, Professor Snape's daughter."

"Wow, you're pretty." I blush.

"Hey, so are you. Some advice: Never answer something Dad doesn't actually want you to. If you're in Slytherin, he won't take away any points unless you get him really mad. But otherwise, be careful with him. And you guys shouldn't be enemies. One of my best friends is in Gryffindor. Most of the Slytherins in my year don't like the Gryffindors in my year, but it shouldn't be like that. Make friends outside of your own house, okay?" They nod. Dad walks back in.

"What were you telling them?" He asks. I smile.

"Giving them some advice for when they turn this classroom upside down."

"Just 'cause you're my daughter does not mean that I won't take points away."

"I know. It's cause I'm a Slytherin." I spend the rest of the class watching Dad teach. He's a pretty good teacher. He could work on being friendly, though. I think I'd like to be a Professor. What am I saying? No, I wouldn't. I want to be an Auror, I think. Class ends and I wait up for Dad.

"Bella, not that I don't love you being here disrupting my class, but why aren't you in your class?"

"It's Astronomy, Dad. Trelawney hates me for whatever reason." He sighs.

"She hates you because you are my offspring, don't pay her much attention."

"What did you do to her?"

"Nothing." He says this too quickly, though. I let it go, because... well, I don't want him to get mad at me. I say goodbye and go find Cal. "Hey, Cal!"

"Hey, Bells. How was it today?"

"Ugh. Trelawney hates me because of my Dad. I walked out of her class and spent the period with Dad and his class."



"How'd it go?"

"Good, I guess. I don't think Dad'll let me do it again,  though."

"Yeah, I suppose he wouldn't."       

"How was your day?"

"Good. Not much happened."

"Nice. I should go, I told Dray I'd catch up with him." Cal nods and kisses me. I still get butterflies each time we kiss. I find Dray outside with Crabbe and Goyle. Those idiots. "Hey, Dray."

"Look who it is, the princess. Or, is it, queen, now?" Crabbe taunts.

"Off with your head, then." Goyle snickers and Crabbe elbows him. Dray rolls his eyes at them.

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