Chapter 25: The Quidditch Match

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I go down to the Dungeon and start working. I wonder what this potion is. "Be careful," My Dad said. In a minute, I realize what he means. Aconite is one of the key ingredients. I shiver. Why does my Dad need this potion? What does Aconite do? My Dads' Dungeon is cold, but I don't mind it. "Lumos." That's much better. Now I an actually see what I'm doing. It makes me feel happy that my Dad trusts me with something this important. I, however, do not trust myself to not screw this up. I know that Aconite is deadly and must be handled properly. If it isn't, it can end up killing the person who drinks it. Who's drinking it? This takes me about 2 hours, because I double, triple, and quadruple check if I did it right. I think I did, and I put this potion by Dad's other potions. I mark it so he knows for sure this is the right one. Aconite is not something you want to mess with, so I can't help but be worried. I stay in the Dungeon for a while longer, hiding from everyone. I start crying. I feel so dirty. After 5 minutes, I wipe my tears away. No. He does not get to make you feel like this, I tell myself. I close up the Dungeons and head back to the Common Room. I hear some people talking but I ignore them. Who could that be? "Hey, Princess." It's Brad and his friends. Theo's one of the,.

"What do you want?" I ask. They look at each other.

"Nothing. What are you doing here? Daddy need your help?" 

"Yes, actually. What are you fools doing here?" Theo avoids my gaze. Two of them grab me. I start kicking but it doesn't do anything. "I told you that you'd regret it." One of them opens my mouth, and another grabs something out of their pockets. I'm kicking the wall. Someone pours a potion in my mouth and forces me to drink it. I feel lightheaded. "Dude, what potion did you use?" Theo asks. They laugh.

"A Death Potion." 

"What the fuck, guys?"

"Come on, Nott. Let's go. Why'd you care, huh?" They go, leaving me to die.

"Bella, listen. I'm going to help you, okay? I didn't know they were going to kill you. Hold on, I'm going to put a spell on you that will pause you so you don't die, okay?" 


I wake up to a blinding light. 

"Bella?" I shield my eyes. Finn.


"I told you-"

"It wasn't my fault this time. I didn't want to come here."

"Then leave."

"How do I keep coming back to life?"

"There's a lot you don't know, Bells. You'll figure out someday."

"So I'll aways come back?"

"No. There are certain spells that will kill you forever. One being the Killing Curse. If you wait too long you can't come back as well."

"I miss you, Finn."

"I miss you too, Bella. You're so beautiful."

"Stop, Finn. Just stop. I hate it." Finn laughs.

"I know. But these guys are jerks. Someday, you'll love how you look."

"Finn. Do you need me here?"

"Yeah. But not right now. In a long time. Right now, I need you back there."

"You could have been back there if it weren't for me."

"Hey, don't blame yourself. I was a reckless kid, just like you. It wasn't your fault."

"My mum-"

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