Chapter 10: Flying Class

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Today is Wednesday, two days after that whole incident. I have flying, astronomy, and DADA today. I can't wait for flying class. I've always loved flying on my broomstick. It's one of my hobbies. I'm great at it, too. I missed my first, second, and third Quidditch practices, but I've been practicing on my own for a bit, so I think I should be fine. There's another Quidditch practice tomorrow which I'll show up for. That is if Professor Snape still lets me. This morning, my mother wrote to me, but I didn't bother opening it. I don't think I'm ready for that. Before, the other Slytherins weren't mean to me (except for Parkinson obviously), but they didn't know that I existed. Now they do, and they all love me (except for Parkinson obviously). She's been back, but she's been avoiding me. This is what happened when she came back:

She came back and sat down on the couch. And everyone started teasing her.

"Well, look who's here and who's not!" She snapped. Then, I tapped her shoulder.

"Both of us are here though," She froze and ran away. Everyone burst into laughter. The rest of the houses didn't see it like this, though. None of them like her necessarily, but they are scared of what I can do. No one in my year can perform that spell; not ever Granger herself. The only person that isn't scared of me, is Perce. I need to ask him how it went with Snape after today's classes. I think he has Snape's class today. I go outside, enjoying the fresh air. Today it's cloudy. But it isn't cold. Well, it's a little cold, but not with a light jacket. There are lots of people outside today; they're conversing and running around. I go to where my fellow Slytherins are. They're talking about spells, so I join it.

"How did you do it?" A girl named Daphne asks me.

"I dunno. I just did, I guess," I shrug. I actually don't know how.

"But they say... only some witches or wizards can do that. Are you.. you know?" She asks.

"No, I am not affiliated with the Dark Lord in any way. I guess I'm just talented," I say with a smirk. She smiles. "You've got to show us how to do it!" She pleads. The rest of them agree with her. "Maybe another time. Snape's looking for any way to expel me, I think it would be best if I just lay low for a while." The conversation changes. I look around, slightly bored. I notice the Golden Trio. They're laughing at something. Professor Snape is also out here. They notice him and start a deep conversation. I agree that something is up with him, but I doubt they'd let me help them now. "Bella, did you hear that?" Theodore asks me.


"Are you related to Professor Snape?" A girl named Becca asks.

"Not to my knowledge. I think it was just a coincidence," I shrug. I'll admit, I have thought of the idea, but shook it out of my brain. If I was related to him, he'd tell me already.

"You even look like him," Theo says. I shrug and walk to a mirror. He's right. I have long black hair that is silky like Snape's is. My hair falls until my elbows. I'm also as pale as he is. My eyes, however, are different. I have green eyes; it's the only thing that makes me look like my Mum. But when I'm angry they start to look... well, they still look Green but people have told me that they have to look twice to realize they didn't actually change color.

"How do you do that?" Blaise comes up to me. I smile at him; he hasn't talked to me since he asked me about me and Perce. 

"Do what?"

"The eye thing. When you're angry, your eyes seem to change," He says.

"I dunno. They just do that. My Mum hates that. She says it reminds her of someone from her past," I say, shrugging. Truth be told, I've always hated it. I've always wanted to be more like my Mum. Everyone loves her; I think almost everyone who knows her would die for her. People are always astounded that I'm related to her. If I can't even act like her, why can't I look like her? She has brown hair and green eyes. Her hair is curly; the curls bounce perfectly until a little below her shoulders. She doesn't look a day over 25. To top it off, she's so nice and selfless. She is a true Hufflepuff. Which is why I disappoint her because I am a true Slytherin. I'm surprised she didn't disown me already. I hate disappointing her, but no matter what I do I disappoint her, so I've stopped trying. "I've never seen your eyes like this. They're calm but angry. They're expressionless. Would you let me know what your thinking?" Blaise asks. I don't like letting people know what I'm thinking. "About what a disappointment I am to my Mum," I admit.

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