Chapter 36: Draco and Bella

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This year's classes are fine. I'm not worried about the classes, though. I'm worried about Dray. He hasn't been paying attention in class. He hasn't been attending his prefect duties. He's even dropped his Quidditch role. I've joined the team again after a whole lot of begging. I'm a seeker now. I'm not 100% focused on it either, but it's still something. I think the Dark Lord has given him a task. I'm worried whether he'll fail or not. If he does, he's in trouble. I don't think the Dark Lord is very happy with his family. If Dray fails, the Dark Lord will kill him. "Dray, let me help you," I ask one evening.

"I can't. It's gotta be me." I sigh.

"Dray, listen to me-"

"I've heard you loud and clear, Bells. There's a lot at risk for me- and you. I have to think about you and my family. I have to do exactly what he says." I have a feeling Dray's talking about something else. "Something so bad that you can't even tell me? We're on the same side."

"No, we're not! You're there because you can be more of a help if you pretend to be on his side. I have to be on his side. One of us has to think about the family, right?" I wish I could have gotten stuck with his job. "Dray. You're not in this alone. You've always got me. After this, we can finally be together."

"We already are together, Bells."

"I know, but I mean together and not have to worry about this. Not have to worry about life or death things. We can be normal."

"Bells, that might not happen. You've got to face it; our normal years are over." I put my head on his shoulder. "Dray, we've never even had normal years." 


"But, we've had normaler years than now. All we have to do is get through-"

"Bells, there might not be a through. If we win, then we'll have to be like this forever. At his command. Whenever he needs us, we have to be there. No matter what. I've experienced it first hand. This mark on your arm," he says, pulling up my sleeve, "isn't just a random mark on your skin. It's what he gives you so he can summon you whenever he wishes. If he wins, it'll burn whenever he needs us. There won't be a normal. There won't be a better side."

"Hey, we won't be alone. We've been through it all-"

"You've been through it all."

"No, Dray. You've helped me through it all. We're in it together. I promise you."

"Okay." I kiss him.

"Dray, you're my soulmate." He nods. I take his shirt off and he takes mines. This feels nothing like when Cal and I did it, but it still feels nice. I just wanna be with Dray for the rest of my life. I know that now. I always did, but I want him with me. "Imagine if I never bumped into you."

"Imagine." We smile at each other. Even through this bleak time, we both know we've got each other. 

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