Chapter 5: Detention

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"You are going to go through the first lessons," He says. That's weird. I wonder why he isn't making me do his dirty work. "Oh, okay." I read the first lesson, and he teaches me it. At the end, he says, "And by the way, next time you talk to me like that, you'll wish you were dead."

"Sorry," I apologize. I'm about to go, but my temper gets the best of me.

"You know what, maybe I do have a death wish, but what makes you think that you can treat your students like that? Yeah, maybe I talked to you in a rude way, I'm sorry for that. Really, I am. But threatening me? You have no right to do that. And I don't care, give me detention for the rest of the year, take away points, expel me, even. But don't talk to me like that," I yell. I didn't really mean that. Well, I did, but I really don't want him to expel me. I go out of his class, waiting for Draco. I see someone coming, but he's too tall to be Draco. I look closer, and it's a professor wearing a turban. "M-Miss Evans. Gl-glad to see th-that you're do-doing well," He says. He looks miserable like someone is torturing him. "Yeah, me too," I say. Snape comes and sees him.

"Quirrel, what are you doing in these parts?" Snape hisses.

"Just see-seeing how sh-she's do-doing," Quirrel admits.

"She's doing fine, thank you very much," Snape says. Quirrel nods and goes. Snape turns towards me. "Bella, are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, he wasn't doing anything," I say.

"Why are you still here. Are you trying to get in trouble?" Snape asks.

"Why didn't you give me detention?" I ask him, ignoring his question. Snape sighs.

"Because you remind me of someone I used to know," He says. 

"Did you know my father?" I ask him. He looks at me, in a puzzling expression.


"Because, my mother was a damn Hufflepuff, so there's no way I remind you of her. So it's got to be my father that I remind you of. What was he like?" I ask.

"She never told you?" He looks angry.

"Never. She said that he left and yeah," I admit, which just got Snape angrier.

"I didn't know him, really. Just knew that he was a troublemaker," Snape says. 

"What's his name?" Just then, Draco comes, running.

"Rae! Sorry, I'm late!" He apologizes hugging me, then realizing Snape is here. Snape looks furious. "Please don't tell me you're with this piece of garbage," Snape says. Draco looks sad. "And what if I was? It's none of your concern. Just cause you were friends with my dad, doesn't mean you have to worry about me. Just thought I'd remind you that he left me and my mum when I was a baby, so I'm not interested in your concern about me." Draco and I leave.

"Do you have a death wish? I wonder why he didn't expel you yet. Be careful, Bells," He says.

"Sorry, Draco. I really am, I will." Draco looks sad.

"Why do you care that I feel guilty for you?" He asks, stopping.

"Because, I know what it feels like," I say.


"My best friend, Finn, died when we were kids, because of me. So I understand why you feel guilty, and I don't want to make you feel that way. That's why I came back," I admit.

"I thought you said that you're friend made you come back," Draco says, his eyes hardening.

I nod, "It got hard. Seeing him again pushed back all that guilt. I'd do anything for him, Draco. So I told him I'd stay. Of course, he wanted me to go. And yeah, for a moment I wanted to stay. I did. But then I thought of you. Draco, there's one thing he couldn't have made me do; leave. You did that. You're the reason I'm here, Draco. So yeah, maybe you were the reason I died, but you're also the reason I lived. So I will do anything you ask me to, Draco." God, I hate telling people how I feel. Draco hugs me and kisses me on the cheeks. Unfortunately, Potter and Weasley see this. 

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