Chapter 29: Reunion

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Draco's Perspective:

It doesn't make sense. Bells accepted his proposal then declined it within a minute. Why? I know she was in love with him. It broke my heart every single day, but I'm sure of it. I decide to let her have some space. But not for long this time. She misses classes the next day. People are asking me where she is. "Where's the whore?" Someone asks. I punch him hard.

"Call her that in front of me again, and I'll kill you." He runs away. People stay away from me too, which is fine by me. I see Blaise and wave to him. He comes to me. "Hey."

"Do you know what's wrong with Bella?" He asks.

"I dunno, man. I'm going to get to the bottom of this, though." He nods. Poor Calvin. I actually liked this one. Obviously not with her, but if I can't be with her, then it would better be him with her. She's gone on rants about how perfect he is before. I know Bella. This isn't her. She can't be drinking again, can she? 


She finally comes back to class and tells everyone she was never in love with him. I'm sure she's lying now. Bella may be a good actor, but she's not that good. Me, Blaise, and Daphne are all worried about her. She comes to dinner tonight, but Sadie yells at her. About what? I rack my brain. Why would she change her mind? She changed her mind after Daphne... Wait a minute.

"Guys, I know why!"

"You do?"

"She doesn't want kids." I run off to find her. I look in the Common Room for her, she's not there. She's got to be in the dorm. I open the door, and find her with her wand lifted. She sees me and lowers her wand. "Dray. What are you doing here?" I ignore her question and hug her. I can't even imagine what she's going through. "I know why you did it. You didn't want to break his heart by telling him you don't want kids. But your breaking his heart either way. Why don't you tell him the truth?" She stays quiet.

"Because. Lying's easier. He should be with someone who can give him what he wants."

"You can give him what he wants." Even after all this time, she still smells good. She no longer smells like Vanilla; now she smells like apples. I've noticed a change in her smell this year. "He deserves to know, Bells. It's not fair to him. He thinks that it was his fault." A glare of anger is in her eyes. "His fault? Why would it be his fault?"

"He thinks that it was too soon. Or maybe he did something wrong." She gets up. She's wearing a sports bra and shorts, "you're going out in that?"

"Yes, Dray, I am. I love you." With that she goes. Why, oh, why did I help the girl I love with boy advice?

Bella's Perspective:

I walk fastly, ignoring all the smirks and stares. People are yelling "whore" and "slut" but I don't care. I need to let him know that it isn't his fault. I see him in the cafeteria, by himself. I go to him. People are staring; I am only in a bra and shorts. "How dare you think it's your fault?" He turns around. "Bella."

"How dare you, huh?"

"It is isn't it?" I punch him in the shoulder lightly. I start crying.

"No, you idiot. It's me. I'm broken." He hugs me.

"Why are you hugging me after I broke your heart?"

"Because, I still love you." I straighten myself up, releasing myself.

"Please don't. Go find a different girl. Sadie, maybe. She's... a girl who likes you."

"I want you, Bella. Why would you break up with me."

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