Chapter 14: The Wheeping Willow and Flying Car

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I'm about to step on the train, but I realize that I had set down one of my bags back at Kings Cross Station, so I went back through to get it. The rest of my bags are on the Hogwarts Express. I go through and get my bag, but when I try to go back, the portal closes and I hit a brick wall. Ow. What's the meaning of this? Before I start crying, I notice Potter and Weasley. I run to them. "You two got locked out too?" They look at each other. I hate it when they do that. "Yeah. You did too?" Weasley asks. I can't help but roll my eyes. "No, I've purposefully run into a brick wall and struck up this conversation for you cause I was bored." Potter laughs.

"Well, you're welcome to join us. We have Mr.Weasley's flying car," Potter informs. I look at Weasley. I'm not sure I want to, but if I don't I'm screwed, so I agree. I get in and so do they. They start the car and it starts flying, following the train. I look outside. It's so beautiful from up here. I love it. This reminds me of one time when Finn and I took a ride on a broomstick together and just kept flying. I'm pretty sure that at least one muggle saw us. I wonder what they thought. I hope no one sees us.

"Oh no! The Invisibility Booster must be faulty!" Weasley says. I start to freak out.
"Let's go lower then," Potter suggests. Ron nods and starts to make the car decrease height. I catch my breath and say, "Gosh you're a bad driver. Let's try and keep us alive, okay?"

Ron says something under his breath. "Not like you could do better," is all I can make out.

"I could. You're forgetting I'm not like Potter. I was born and raised in the wizarding world," I remind. "Fine. If you're so great at it, why don't you drive?" Weasley snaps. We trade seats. A bunch of hours later, we see Hogwarts. "Wake up. We're home!" I announce. Both boys fell asleep. They slowly wake up. "Up! Up!" Potter exclaims. I look; we're about to crash into the Wheeping Willow. "I can't! It's not working." I can't believe this. We're all going to die.

"Watch out for the-" Weasley says, but it's too late. We crash and the tree hits us back. I feel like throwing up. I look at Potter and Weasley, and none of them are dead or unconscious but they look sick too. "tree." Weasley finishes, tired.

"Ahh-ha-ha! My wand! Look at my wand!" Weasley points out.

"Be thankful it's not your neck," Potter says. Weasley looks at me angrily.

"You! This is all your fault! You should have just let me drive!"

"Please. If you were driving we would have crashed before we even reached Hogwarts. At least we made it." Weasley is so annoying. He mutters a few more things, and we get out of the car.

"We're gonna be in so much trouble," Potter says when we get inside.

"At least that Snape didn't catch us," Weasley says. I can't help but feel angry.

"Shut your mouth, Weasley."

"Yes, do mind what you're saying," A cold and furious voice says. Of course, it's Snape. The three of us look back.

"Bella. I wish I could say that I'm surprised that you're with these two imbeciles, but I'm not. " He turns back to Potter and Weasley, "I assure you, that were you in Slytherin, and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home- tonight."

"Sorry to disappoint, sir. But she is in Slytherin, so you can take out your anger for us on her," Weasley says. "Oh please. Put a sock in it, Weasley. It's your car and your idea," I defend.

"I didn't see you declining the ride," Potter mumbles. I look at him furiously.

"Excuse me, but I had no other option. You too are in this as deep as I am."

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